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Today's chapters song-Just Like Everybody Else-Jocelyn.
As I was writing this chapter my laptop decided to fuck up and not let me listen to Spotify so kms.
(Y/n) POV

After Disneyworld Finn and the others took (b/f/n) and I home. It was definitely a magical day. When we got home (b/f/n) and I practically went to bed straight away, other than telling Mum about our day of course, but then we went to bed straight after.

In the morning I woke to see that (b/f/n) wasn't besides me. I got up on my arms, looking around the room. I smelt a delicious smell coming from the kitchen and I practically jumped out of bed.

"What's the special occasion?" I ask my best friend as she was cooking my favourite breakfast.

"Can't a best friend cook her best friend a meal and just have it as that." She asked sheepishly.

"No, but I'm not complaining." I say as I sit down and the table licking my lips at the food in front of me on the table.

Once (b/f/n) had finished cooking completely she joined me at the table and began digging in.

After at least a minute I heard (b/f/n) clear her throat.

"I knew it!" I practically yell pointing a finger at her. I knew something was up.

"Well." (B/f/n) began taking a sharp breath bracing herself for the sentence. "Can I go on a date with Jack today." She asked so fast that I almost couldn't process it. My eyebrows noted together, confusion striking me.

"I'm sorry, but I thought Jack didn't like you?" I ask confused. (B/f/n) just shrugged her shoulders.

"I thought that too, so at Disneyworld I decided to distance myself from him, but surprisingly when Tinkerbell flew past, he asked me out on a date today." (B/f/n) spoke and shoved another piece of food into her mouth.

"Oh." I say, my face going into an O shape.
"Well of course you can go." I say giggling. "You don't have to ask me!"

(B/f/n) face lit up, she jumped out of her seat and grabbed me to hug me.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She says squealing. I was still giggling.

"Just be home by ten pm." I say pretending to be the parent.

"Whatever Mum, you have to help me pick what to wear!" She squeals and begins running into the room with me being dragged against my will.

"Goodbye food." I say looking back at my food pretending to cry.

When we got to the bedroom (b/f/n) started pulling almost all of her clothes out of the small closet in the corner.

"Woah, calm down." I say giggling as I sit on the couch.

"What if I don't wear the right thing? What if I dress up too much and he thinks I'm too fancy for him. Or even worse, what I dress too slack and he thinks I don't care!" She huffs and sits on the bed next to me stressed. I just giggle. She's so dramatic. I walk to the closet, weaving through the clothes on the floor, I grab out a sundress that she bought the other day, it was yellow and had flower patterns on it. (B/f/n) face lit up.

"I forgot I bought that!" She jumped off the bed grabbing the dress from my grasp. I just giggle and head out into the kitchen to clean up breakfast.

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