13-pt 2

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Today's chapters song-

(Y/n) POV.

I arrived at the SAG awards with Caleb, Gaten, Noah Finn, and Sadie. I was confused as to why there was no Millie but I didn't ask. Sadie got out first then I followed.

The red carpet led the whole way inside. From where we got dropped off. There were cameras flashing everywhere, along with people standing and sitting. Some in little stands and others who were running the SAG awards who wore all black and phones in their ears.

"St cast plus the plus one, right this way thank you." A man dressed in black said folding out his arm to show us where to go.

"Go in all together to get some group photos, then you will be sent in one by one." The guy said before getting called for another job and jogging off.

I saw in a covered area there were some of the most famous actors already getting interviewed and getting photos taken. I saw David Harbour standing there and smiling. Where was Millie?

"You coming?" Finn said holding out his hand for me to take it. I hadn't noticed we started walking in. I smiled and gladly took his hand. And there they were. The sparks again, they always seemed to be there. But now, they felt more comfortable.

When we got in the shaded area, there were a whole bunch of photographers already beginning to take photos in the stands.

Finn wrapped his arm around my waist, then Caleb wrapped his arm around my waist on the other side. We were in a straight line all smiling.

After we had had photos taken as a group we went over to the grouped area, where people were getting interviewed. Before heading in and getting singles photos.

"Stranger things, could you come over here!" An interviewer called waving us down with her microphone in hand, and her camera guy. We walked over there and all stood in a line. I was on the end standing next to Finn as I wasn't part of the stranger things cast so I wouldn't be speaking.

(Made up interview btw)

"Sadie do you just want to switch sides with Caleb so that it goes boy girl boy girl." The interviewer lady spoke using Hand movements to point. "Thanks sweet." The girl said after Sadie moved.

"Hello, So here we have with us today the stranger things cast!" The lady said gesturing towards us looking at the camera. Everyone waved and I stood quietly smiling.

"So Sadie what was it like coming into season two after the whole cast had already bonded?" The lady asked turning towards Sadie.

"It was so different. But I immediately clicked, they were all so nice and we all just became the best of friends. I actually lied when I auditioned. They wanted someone with skateboard experience and when they asked if I had any I told them I did." Said said smiling and looked at Caleb who was laughing softly.

"And Finn, your band, we hear you've been very busy. What's that like?" The lady said quickly.

"It's pretty crazy, whenever I'm not on set it seems like I'm just with the band." Finn said placing his hands in his packets.

"I just wanted to ask quickly. Do any of you have any like, hidden talents?" The lady asked.

"Gaten." Caleb pointed to Gaten and Finn giggled.

"Yea." Gaten said laughing. "-it's not much of a secret anymore. But I can do a good impression of chubacker." Gaten said. He then rasped up his voice and made the chubacker noice from star wars.

The one-Finn wolfhardxreaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora