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Today's chapters song-Miracle by CHCRCHES

Lol soz for another late update.
Can I just say, pineapple on pizza is a big NO NO! Ew gross, don't get me wrong, I LOVE pineapple, but on pizza, with it all soggy and gross, that's a no from me. #

It's my birthday so I thought it would be a good idea to update lol.

(Y/n) POV

When Finn and I arrived home I noticed that Jack and (b/f/n) were nowhere to be seen, I walked into the bedroom to see Jack and (b/f/n) were laying in bed together asleep, it was only nine o'clock? They must of been on some hard core drugs or something that knocked them out this early.

I slowly and quietly shut the door, trying to avoid the creaking noise that doors usually make.

"They're asleep." I whisper tip-toeing my way over to Finn.

"Already?" Finn asked with a confused look on his face.

"That's what I was thinking!" I giggle.

"Well I'm not even tired." Finn shrugs.

"Me either." I say walking over to the couch, Finn following close behind.

"Let's play Fortnite!" Finn says jumping onto the couch.

"Oh god." I reply.

"It's free, and with the wifi here, it'll download super quick." With that being said, Finn downloaded Fortnite onto my playstation4 and we waited for ten minutes for it to download. Although it felt way longer.

"I'll play first and show you how it's done, then I'll show you." Finn said while the game was loading. I nodded my head, focusing as Finn moved the remote control which made the character in the game move. The X button made him jump and the O button made him go into build. R2 was shoot and L1 was to aim. When it was my turn I was pretty aware of what to do.

Finn came 12th and was happy with his efforts. I began playing, while we were waiting for the bus to take off Finn was showing me what to do in the waiting bag. I jumped and used my axe to destroy a tree, and I grabbed a gun and began shooting. I guess you could say I was pretty dang good. When the bus took off Finn told me not to land at tilted towers, so what did I do, I landed at tilted towers.

"You're going to die." Finn said bluntly. I landed in the castle and grabbed a shotgun that was on the roof. I screamed when I saw someone and Finn quickly covered my mouth with his hands to block the noise. I cringed when I realised (b/f/n) and Jack were still asleep. I shot him, with one bullet and he went down, I actually killed him. I then switched to my axe and began building down. I dropped into a room and got a blue AR. I kicked Finns hand that was still covering my mouth, and he quickly removed it and wiped his hand.

"You feral." Finn smirked. A gunshot was shot at me and I began jumping, dodging the others, I shot him and joked him too.

"What the heck?!" Finn said sounding impressed. As the circle got smaller and smaller the people began dying off.

"Dude one person left!" Finn said, his whispering sounding like a yell.

I looked around, in search of the remaining player. I walked into a bush and realised I could hide in it, I say down and waited. The guy ran past and bam. I shot him.

Victory Royal.

Victory Royal popped up onto the screen and I looked over to Finn, who's mouth was wide open.

"How the fuck?" Finn said, confusion striking him.

"Natural talent my friend." I giggled patting Finn on the chest.

We played a few more games, although I didn't get another victory royal I still got one more then Finn. It's for sure a story to tell the grandkids one day.

A yawn escaped my lips.

"Tired?" Finn laughed.

"Well it is one o'clock. So yea kinda." I laugh.

"Crap already? Where did all that time go?" Finn said looking at his phone. I shrugged.

I grabbed a mattress from under the bed in my room and dragged it into the lounge room, trying not to wake Jack and (b/f/n) up.

"Sorry, there's only a double bed. Hope you don't mind." I say scratching the back of my head.

"That's alright, nothing I haven't done before." Finn winked at me before collapsing onto the bed.

I jumped into bed besides Finn, my heart racing. A blanket placed over the top of us and our body heat keeping us warm.

"(Y/n)." Finn whispered.

"Yea?" I replied.

"Do you hate me?" Finn asked. Hate him? Hate him? How could I hate someone who I want to hold hands with, who I want to hug and comfort whenever his down or feeling blue. How could I hate his chocolate brown eyes. How could I hate the way his curly hair sits on his head, how could I hate the way his smile is slightly crooked and how could I hate someone who I like.

"What makes you ask that?" I say sounding shocked.

"I ruined your normal life." Finn says, his voice sounding low. I shuffled around to face Finn, who's eyes were darted downwards.

"Finn, I could never hate you." I say holding Finns chin causing Finn to look up at me.

"(Y/n). One more thing." Finn says. I nod my head waiting for a response.

"I lov- never mind, goodnight beautiful." Finn whispers.

"Goodnight." A slight smile creeps onto my face and a blush is revealed. I shuffle around to avoid Finn seeing how happy the word beautiful made me feel. Although I couldn't stop thinking about what Finn was going to say before hand.


In the morning Finn and Jack had to leave early as Jack had a meet and greet and Finn was beginning filming for stranger things season 3. (Legit tho) The thought of what Finn was going to say last night kept replaying in my head, I tried to remember the words but it all seemed a blur. It was almost as if Finn was going to say he loved me. The thought made me laugh, as if Finn Wolfhard, loving me! Only in my dreams. This isn't some Mike Eleven fairy tail. This is real life, reality. Although I couldn't help but think of how amazing that would be. 'Finn Wolfhard and (y/n) (s/n) love story' I can see the headlines now.

What do you think Finn was going to say? Let me know in the comments. Love you ❤️

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