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Today's chapters song- Never forget you by Zara Larson

(Y/n) POV

I ran home, tears seeming to stick to my face. The elevator seemed to slow time, the memory of Finns lips locked to another girl replaying in my head. I guess this is what Finn felt like. Or though, Finn doesn't love me the same way I love him. No, Finn doesn't love me.

I walked into the apartment, mum and (b/f/n) sat at the dinner table with worried expressions. Their faces darting to mine. They both rushed over to me with concerned looks on their faces.

"(Y/n)!" (B/f/n) cries out as she hugs me.

"We've been worried sick darling. What's wrong? Where have you been?" Mum said hugging me tightly.

"I went to talk to Finn." I say taking a deep breath. "I was going to tell him how I feel." I say, tears falling down my cheeks.

"He was kissing another girl." I whisper, hard for even myself to hear. But mum and (b/f/n) heard it because I felt them hug me tighter.

It would've been ten minutes before anyone said anything. I was so shocked, so upset, words didn't seem to come out anymore.

"His your first love, and he won't be your last." My mother spoke, breaking the peaceful silence.

"I just. I can't be here anymore. In this city. In this apartment where Finn was. I need to leave. I want to go home. Mum I need to go home." I say, tears streaming down my face. My mum looked at (b/f/n) before looking at me again. Her eyes flicking between us.

"It's only one more week sweetie." My mother finally said.

"One more week is too much. Too long." I say, not removing my eyes from my mothers.

"Well have you spoken to (b/f/n) and seen what she wants to do?" Mum said looking at (b/f/n).

"I'm fine with whatever, whatever makes (y/n) happy." (B/f/n) said looking at me with a soft smile.

"Well, I'll go book your tickets for the first plane back to (h/t) tomorrow then." My mother said getting up from her crouched position and walking towards her laptop.

"Thankyou.-" I speak softly. "-I'm gonna take a shower."

"I'll make us a hot chocolate for when you get out." (B/f/n) said walking towards the kitchen. What did I do to deserve such an amazing friend.

I turned on the shower and stripped from my clothes. It was then I realised my phone was no longer in my pocket and that it must have fell out when I was running home. Running home from Finns. Running form the scene that was in front of me. Finn kissing that girl. Who even was that girl?

I let the water run down my body, I didn't bother putting my hair up to protect the water getting to it. At this point I didn't care. The water made my hair into a mop. Thoughts and memories of Finn running through my mind.


"Hi, I'm Finn." He said instantly cringing. "Although you probably already knew that." Finn said giving me a hug. I giggled at him, he was so awkward it was adorable.

"I'm (y/n) and my friend over there is (b/f/n)." I say pointing to (b/f/n).


"Is that? Omg is that Finn's number?" (B/f/n) asked me almost screaming.


"And I want you to have it." I said smiling at him.

"Just take it." Finn said smirking.

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