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Today's chapters song- Could this be love- the wanted
Finns POV

The look on (y/n) face made me worried, was she having second thoughts. Did she want to pull out of the photo shoot now. Golly. I hope that's not the case.

"Finn, (y/n), make your way over when you're ready. Time for group photos now." A bald man wearing black spoke. I glanced down at (y/n) who still seemed to have a worried look on her face. So, I decided I would do the first thing that came to my mind. I reached out my hand, waiting, praying that (y/n) would take it. When I felt her soft hands mould their way into mine I noticed I had shut my eyes. When I opened my eyes I found their way to (y/n) beautiful (e/c) eyes.

I began walking, my hand still clasped into (y/n), I was glad she wasn't pulling away. Something about (y/n) being near me made me happy, made me want to protect her from everything, although there was no real threat.

"Just stand next to (b/f/n) and Jack for now." The man behind the camera yelled, he now had drops of sweat dripping down his forehead which made me chuckle silently. He was only taking photos yet it must be a hard job. (Y/n) and I made our way next to Jack and (b/f/n) in order of boy, girl, boy, girl. "Now everyone keeping a straight face, Finn put your arm on (y/n) shoulder. (B/f/n) wrap your arm around Jacks neck slightly." The bald man demanded. We did what we were told. I kept a straight face, which wasn't hard since I've done this before. You've just got to think about something sad, something non-funny.

To me, I'm thinking about (y/n). Not about her smile, not how beautiful she is. I'm not thinking about how her hair swings against the wind or how her smile could light up a room. No, I'm thinking about how I may be ruining her life. How when she leaves, and we have to... we have to break up, that when she goes home she will be different. Because I have made her different, and she could hate me for that.

"Okay now I want you guys to have fun." The photographer spoke from behind the camera. I shook the thoughts out of my mind, and focused them back onto (y/n). She was already smiling at me and my previous thoughts flung to the back of my mind. Her smile was infectious and it caused me to smile back. Only to realise (y/n) smile was mischievous.

Without warning she jumped into my arms, I caught her of course, but a little of warning wouldn't of gone astray. I turned with (y/n) in my arms, chuckling slightly when I see (b/f/n) on the floor glaring up at Jack. Jacks hands were up in surrender with a innocent look on his face. A photo was taken.

"What, she didn't warn me?" Jack said lending a hand to (b/f/n) who just snapped it away.

"Does it look like they needed warning?" (B/f/n) spoke pointing towards (y/n) and I. I just looked up at (y/n) smiling. I admired the way arm arms were wrapped around my neck, she was perfect. She was still looking at (b/f/n) and Jack, but that didn't stop me from looking at her. The way the lights shone onto her face, her outfit was just beautiful. Another photo was taken.

"Okay, everyone link arms for the final few photos."

(Y/n) unlinked her arms from my neck and much to my disgust I untangled my grip from her hips and put her gently down. We were in the same order, with boy girl, boy girl. I wrapped my arms around (b/f/n) and (y/n) waist while they put their arms around my shoulders. We all smiled, it felt like we were standing there forever. The flash was beginning to make us all blind so it was really hard to get the perfect photo.

"Okay, I think that's good." The photographer said, still looking at his camera. I felt a heavy breath realised to me right, I turned to see (y/n) looking relieved. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her.

"I just really needed to pee!" (Y/n) said doing a pee dance before running off the backdrop and to the bathroom. A chuckle erupted from my chest and I threw my head back in laughter.

"So Finn, (y/n). She's a keeper yea?" The photographer said in all seriousness.

"Yes, I believe so." My gaze fell on (y/n), as she walked out of the bathroom looking happy. Which made me smile, knowing she was proud she made it to the bathroom in time.

"Yeah, don't let her go." The photographer said laughing before waking off.

"Yeah, don't let her go." Jack walked next to me placing his hand on my shoulder. I gave him look, I wasn't sure what sort of look it was, it was just a look. I wasn't sure if it was a pissed off look, a happy look or a sad look. As I felt all three of these emotions right now.

The car trip home was quick, mainly because (y/n) fell asleep on my shoulder. When we dropped (y/n) and (b/f/n) home Jack and I decided we would eat dinner out, and we decided to get Taco Bell.

We walked into the diner, security by our side. We took the most unnoticeable booth and sunk into our seats.

"Today was good, yea?" Jack spoke first.

"Yeah great Fun." I replied. "You and (b/f/n) good?"

"Yeah, she was a bit pissed off I didn't catch her, but we good." Jack giggled, looking at the menu. "You know what's weird though."

"What?" I asked looking at the menu also.

"Well, you and (y/n) aren't actually dating, yet you two had so much chemistry today. It was ridiculous." Jack spoke now looking at me. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and I looked to my lap.

"Jack I gotta tell you something." I say running a hand through my hair.

"Yea what?" Jack stared into my eyes.

I take a deep breath, shutting my eyes. Before opening them I release the breath and open my mouth to speak- "I like (y/n)."

"Yeah, I know." Jack spoke before telling the security guard what to order. "It's pretty obvious Finn." Jack laughed.

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