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Today's chapters song-DTB remix.
Finns POV

I stopped myself, before moving any closer to (y/n) face, here I was, about to kiss (y/n), our noses touching her hands on my face. I had almost lost control. Although, what was I doing? I couldn't kiss (y/n), I couldn't bring her into my crazy life, as soon as we break up she will go back to the life she knows and loves. Her normal life that doesn't involve me. The one back in her (home town).

I slowly sat up, awkward shuffling away from (y/n) who seemed just as awkward as me. She sat up and swept her beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair away from covering her face.

"Yo! Finn, (y/n)! (B/f/n) and I are just going to duck to the shops down the road to grab some stuff for pizzas. Be back soon!" Jack said before shutting the door leaving (y/n) and I alone. We sat awkwardly on the kitchen floor, staring at the ground, no one wanting to make the first move and talk. My gaze began shifting towards (y/n) beautiful (e/c) eyes. I found her eyes locked mine immediately. Although, she quickly darted them away.

It felt like the silence went on forever. I just sat there, my gaze focusing on the tile that seemed so square but I was so sure that one line was wonky.

"Finn." (Y/n) soft voice rang in my ears, causing my full attention to be on her. "Why do you always do that?" (Y/n) soft eyes shone into mine, and her mouth seeming to twitch.

"What do you mean?" I reply with, furrowing my eyes.

"Give me mixed emotions?" (Y/n) spoke.

"I give you mixed emotions? About what?" I felt like I was being daft, but girls are just so confusing. How was I giving her mixed emotions? She's the one that gives me mixed emotions! A few weeks ago I was sure I was just dating this girl for my own sake, so that we could hang out without the media going wild. But then my brain started making these decisions, I want to hurt her, I want to hurt her so she won't like me, so that I can't ruin her life anymore. But I know I can't do that, she means too much to me.

"About us." The words rang in my head. Us. Is there an us? What sort of us was that, an us us, or an us Us? I don't get how girls don't get guys? How are we the confusing ones?

"Us?" I reply, her face showed her reaction though, her cheeks tinged red and the embarrassment on her face made me cringe. How could I be so stupid, she thinks I don't want an us. That Us must of been an us Us.

"Never mind." (Y/n) stands, although before she could fully stand up, I grabbed her arm and pulled myself up, so that I was standing in front of her.

"I don't mean to." I say, looking (y/n) right into the eyes.

"I know." (Y/n) replied softly. A snake smile formed on her lips, which caused a funny feeling run through my body. "Do you have the internet password?"

"Nah?" I say.

"Oh my golly, how are you living? Have you been using data?" (Y/n) grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the modem.

"Yea but it's not a fuss." I say backing up.

"Nonsense, give me your phone. It's a really funky password with letters and numbers and crap." (Y/n) said going onto settings onto my phone. Once connected my phones notifications started going off straight away

"Did you hear about Millie and Jacob?" I say, as i gently take my phone from (y/n) soft hands, wiping my hand across hers on purpose so I could feel the tingles run through my body.

"No?" (Y/n) replied quickly as we sat on the couch together.

"Jacob cheated on Millie." I say, furrowing my eyebrows. How could he do that to Millie, I knew from the start he wasn't right for her.

"What the actual fuck. Is she okay?" (Y/n) replied, she seemed to be angry but felt sad at the same time, (y/n) is so cute when she gets fired up.

"I'm not really sure, she messaged me the night it happened, I tried calling her but she didn't pick up." I shrug.

"Oh." (Y/n) made an O shape with her mouth.

"His a dick." I say after a few minutes of silence.

"I never liked him." (Y/n) replied quickly.

"Yoooooo, guess who's back!" Jack strolled in with two grocery bags as (b/f/n) carried one.

"He was singing the yodeling boys song the whole way, and in the store too." (B/f/n) says rolling her eyes.

"Good song choice." I say highfiving Jack.

"Thank you, 'THAT LAST LONG DAY SHE SAID GOODBYE, LORD I THOUGHT I WOULD CRY'." Jack began singing the song causing (y/n) to giggle, yet we found ourselves all joining in.

"She'll do me, she'll do you, She's got that kind of lovin, lord I love to hear her when she calls me sweet daddy. Such a beautiful dream. I had to think it all over, I lost my heart it seems. I've grown so used to you somehow but I'm nobody's sugar daddy now, and I'm
Lonesome I got the lovesick blues." We all began laughing and (y/n) soon then got the remix up on YouTube.

"Come one, we can listen to the remix while we make pizzas." (B/f/n) spoke as she giggled.

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