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Today's chapters song-If Walls Could Talk by Emily James.

Do ya'll prefer the old book cover, or the new one? Because I can't pick🤨
(Y/n) POV

When I got home (b/f/n) and I ordered Uber eats, we just got hungry jacks(Burger King).
While we waited for the food, (b/f/n) and I just sat in our phones. I wanted to message Finn, but I didn't. Now that I know I like him, something is different, I don't want him to think I'm clingy or anything. I mean, I just saw him and I already want to message him, what'll he think of that. Although, I already miss him.

"What's on your mind?" (B/f/n) said staring at me intently.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well you have that distressed look on your face." (B/f/n) said chucking her phone on the couch to focus on me.

"Oh." I say looking down.

"Talk to me." (B/f/n) folds her arms, staring at me more intently than before.

"I like Finn." I shrug.

Although I had just told (B/f/n) my biggest secret ever, her face remained unemotional. Her face didn't even flinch.

Until a few moments after her face began to flicker and she lifted her back backwards to laugh. That's it. My friend had lost it. I sat there staring at my friend, unsure to why she was laughing. She rolled onto the floor in hysterics. I rolled my eyes and went back onto my phone. Once (b/f/n) had finished laughing she climbed back on the couch, still giggling but she had calmed down. She wiped a tear away from her eyes than sat straight.

"Tell me something I don't know." (B/f/n) said licking her lips.

"Excuse me?" I say furrowing my eyebrows, confused.

"Well, for starters (y/n). You're my best friend, you'd think I would know when you do or do not like someone." (B/f/n) said giggling.

"Wait, who told you?" I ask confused, I hadn't told anyone.

"Did you not listen to a word I just said?" (B/f/n) giggled. I just shrugged and glanced at my best friend. How could I ever think I could keep a secret from her. "I think what the real question is, what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?" I say sitting straight now.

"Well, you've got a month left till we go home, which means you've got four weeks to win Finn Wolfhard over." (B/f/n) said, seeming to make a plan in her head.

"Right." I say nodding my head, yet I was clueless.

"Leave it to me." (B/f/n) smirked and grabbed my arm nodding. "Let's watch Netflix!"


After an hour we had eaten our Uber eats, we decided to watch F the prom. I still hadn't got a message from Finn which made my heart sink slightly. Although, it had been an hour, would it be bad if I just messaged him? Stuff it I will.

Hey, how are you?-you

I held my phone close to my chest, and I practically felt my heart leap out of my chest when my text ringtone went off. I saw the notification from Finn and couldn't help but smile. He messaged me back so quickly. Almost as if he was waiting.

Finn-Yea good good, what were your thoughts on the photo shoot today?

Omg it was so good, thankyou so much!-you

Finn-Well of course, but I wasn't the one who asked, Calvin messaged my mum for the photo shoot. He said you had talent. Don't know what Calvin was on ;)

Ha. Ha. Ha. You're so funny Finn, just because you're jealous I have raw talent.-you

Finn-raw talent my ass, anyone can pose in front of a camera, it just depends if you're pretty enough.

Well I guess I'm pretty than-you

Finn-yeah well you're pretty hot.

My heart skipped a beat as my eyes roamed over the text. I felt the blush instantly find its way to my cheeks and I felt my teeth beam through my smile. When I felt my phone vibrate I couldn't wait to see the new message from Finn.

Finn-I can practically feel you blushing rn. You're so cute xx.

I felt the blush become more intent and my cheeks burn. I felt my feelings for Finn deepen and my mind running through all the possibilities.

Although, the moment seemed to fade away when the notification from Instagram came through.

Finn Wolfhard mentioned you in their story.

I could feel my heart sink and my eyes begin to sting, when I saw his story I knew what I meant to him now.

He captioned it look how cute my baby girl is❤️. I smiled, although the smile was fake. Yet I'm not sure why I was smiling, as there was no one to know it was a fake smile. So maybe it was because I was trying to hide the tears, I though Finn and I were having a genuine conversation, something that would be kept just between us two. I mean, that is the original reason he gave me his number. So that we could 'talk' but now, now I know that all I am to him is a popularity stunt. I can practically see the headlines now.

Finn Wolfhard, gets dumped by an ordinary girl from (h/t).

He would get interviewed about how he took on the 'ordinary girl,' and he would get fame. Girls all around the world would hate me. Although, Finn isn't all to blame, I agreed to 'dating him' and I agreed to take his number in the first place. Although, I can't help but wonder, if I was to of gone to the bathroom instead of meeting the IT cast, if (b/f/n) and I were to of just stayed home while Mum went on this work trip. If I would of actually ever met Finn. If Finn would have even ever noticed me.

I didn't notice the tears until I saw a tear drop onto my phone. I wiped it off my phone, I tried to hold in the tears. I really did, why am I crying over a boy I've only known for a month. Why does Finn mean so much to me? Why do I care so much about what he thinks about me?

"Oh my god-(y/n) what's wrong?" (B/f/n) said wrapping an arm around me, comforting me. I didn't have to say anything, I just showed her Finns story, I could feel the steam radiating off of (b/f/n) as anger consumed her, but I could feel the pitty in her breaths.

What am I doing? I'm crying over a boy that I won't see again after this holiday, some boy I've only known for a month. And here I am, practically waiting for pitty to dawn on me from my best friend. What have I become? I need to stop, I like Finn but, Finn doesn't like
Me, and that's the way it's gonna be.

You guys have no idea how excited I am to write the end of this book. Like the last few chapters, ugh. I just can't, like ugh.

I am that excited about it I've already written the last chapter in my notes, I just couldn't hold it in anymore so I wrote it in my notes. Like ugh. Guys. Like omg!!😩

Like/comment/vote please💓

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