Chapter 3: Homecoming

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Author's Note: The reactions here were loosely based on when author came out to their own parents. Coming out is not always a joyous occasion, but can be painful too.

As the first inklings of dawn tip-toed on the horizon, a land mass crested where the moon fled to hide its face. Held aloft by a westerly wind, Ozone effortlessly crawled through the sky from the Kalos Region to the Hoenn Region. In one of his rudder-like hands, a folded map indicated their destination. Lines of rope comfortably collared the 'waist' of Drifblim's body, leading down to a small basket gently swaying from the ocean breeze.

The wicker basket about a square meter in size, a bit on the small side, but perfect for Ryanne's needs. While taking the SS Tidal from Coumarine City to one of Hoenn's three ports could have been faster travel, the bracing wind and sounds of the lapping water comforted her. At the base of basket, Ryanne slumbered in her sleeping bag. Kyu cuddled against her, and her bags were stored behind them. A stiff breeze caused the carriage to lurch, nudging Kyu from sleep.

The Fairy-type Pokemon lazily eased her eyes open before allowing a silent yawn to leak from her lips. Kyu sat up, lifting her chin from Ryanne's breast. The feline-vulpine hybrid arched her spine and extending her slender paws out to press into her trainer's side.

Reaching out with her four ribbon-like feelers, Kyu wrapped the thin streamers around Ryanne's wrists and on her shoulders. With a gentle rocking motion, the Sylveon began to sweetly sing a tune. "Syl-Syl-Sylvie-vie-Sylvie-Sylveon!" Ryanne's eyes scrunched at the awakening, she pulled her hands from Kyu's loose grasp and reached up to rub her face. "ugggh... Kyu... what did you wake me so early?"

The eeveelution stood on her hind paws, stretching to peek over the rim of the basket, her tail swished in anticipation. Extending her feelers to help her trainer up, Kyu excitedly took in the slowly approaching Region. Ryanne braced herself against the ropes of the carriage, stretching her arms and back. The crest of land was all the answer she needed. Lightly tugging one of the ropes, Ryanne roused her Drifblim from his nap. "Ozone, wake up big guy. We're about to reach Hoenn, can you take us down?" Ozone's rudder-like arms flapped in affirmation as he leisurely began to descend.

Ryanne turned to her attention to her Sylveon "Okay Kyu, I'm going to change real quick, make sure Ozone doesn't peek. Got it?" she said with a wink. The Fairy-type saluted with one feeler, presenting a determined expression before giving her trainer privacy. Unzipping her duffel bag, Ryanne threw in her blue nightgown and pulled out a clean shirt, bra, and her denim capris. A minute later, she was tugging up her socks and running shoes, ready to start the day!

Kyu turned back to her trainer before giving Ryanne a disapproving glance. "What?" Ryanne asked, distracted by brushing her hair back into a ponytail. "Syl-Syvie!" The champion of Kalos rolled her eyes at her Pokemon's insistence. "Of course this is what I'm wearing for my homecoming. You know I only own one top that isn't navy or black." Kyu briefly dug through the bag, lifting a lavender top from the bottom. Caving, Ryanne drew up the hem of her shirt to switch. Having convinced her trainer to leave her comfort zone, the Sylveon grinned with pride. "I hate to burst your bubble Girl, but you've got a little something up here," Ryanne chuckled, untangling an undergarment from the embarrassed Fairy-type's long, fluffy ears.

Ozone let out a brief cooing, signaling that the party would be landing soon. As Ryanne finished organizing her just-rummaged duffel, Kyu lifted open the flap to her trainer's messenger bag, extracting six Pokeballs with her streamers-like appendages. Turning to the collection of storage devices, Ryanne recounted her team. "Let's see now. Kyu, you're right next to me. Ozone's up above us. I know I packed 'Z', Lilith, and Darkrai. Who am I forgetting?" The Sylveon's feelers curled upward as she began to mime boxing stances. "Oh right, Gaoruru! Thanks Girl!" Ryanne reached over, acknowledging Kyu's help with a scratch under the chin.

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