Chapter 65: Bump in the Night

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Author's Note: I know, it would have been better if I released this chapter ON Halloween, but I had other things I had to do... Like get the plot in the right place for this set-up to work. While my timing is a little off, at least you all can enjoy some post-Halloween fun with me in:

Pokémon Evolution Chapter 65:

Bump in the Night

"Dad!" Kira called down the stairwell, "We're going bed. Don't stay up too late watching TV, okay?"

From the living room downstairs, Keith's voice returned with a bellowing "Goodnight you two."

"'night Dad."

Ryanne looked to Kira to see if it were appropriate to say something too. With a slight jerk of her head, and eyes gesturing downstairs, Kira provided all the confirmation she needed. "Uh... G-goodnight. Mr. Farraway... Sir."

As they stepped back into Kira's room, the azure-haired Trainer released the hearty laughed she had stifled in the hallway. "You don't have to be so nervous around my dad, Ryanne. Even when I had friends over as a kid, he'd always tell him to call him 'Keith'. There's no need to be so formal."

Dragging her fingertips across her eyelids, Ryanne exhaled a groan of frustration. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess I'm just trying to make a good impression on him."

Kira leaned forward to take Ryanne's hands in hers. "I like you, and that's all that matters to him. Since I like you, he'll treat you like family too."

A sprinkling of pink danced across Ryanne's cheeks. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

Kira released their hands, twirling slightly before leaping up to land on her bed with a 'POMF'. The azure-haired Trainer wore a grey pullover fleece sweatshirt and black pajama bottoms, nearly completely covered as she crawled over her bed to get under her covers. "Aren't you cold?" she asked with mild concern.

Below Kira on the ground, Ryanne was settling onto an air mattress covered in a sheet with a single blanket to cover her. A pair of purple shorts extending two-thirds down her legs, and a black cotton camisole left a lot of her skin exposed, including revealing portions of a black sports bra underneath the camisole's spaghetti straps. "I'm fairly used to the warmer weather of Hoenn and Alola," Ryanne explained, "If I get too cold though, I have my zip-up hoodie in my bag."

"Okay. There's extra blankets in my closet if you need them," Kira replied with a point. "Not to be nosy, but isn't wearing a bra to bed uncomfortable?"

The auburn-haired Trainer below her gave a slight shrug, "Not really, this is wireless. Besides, I've been having a bit of a... 'growth spurt' lately, so I'm a little sore. The extra support is nice. Regardless, it tends to take me a while to fall asleep anyway."

On Kira's desk chair, Kyu and Patches curled around their egg, both sound asleep. "I wish I could nod off as quickly as they can," Kira grinned, "Want to tell stories? It might help you fall asleep faster."

"It's worth a shot. Know any good ones?"

"Now that I think about it, I don't," Kira replied disappointedly.

"I do," rasped a voice from the corner. Slowly rolling from within the short stack of Ryanne's belongings in the corner, Darkrai slithered out as shadowy smoke before condensing into their wrath-like form.

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