Chapter 84: Love & War (Part 1)

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Pokémon Evolution

Chapter 84: Love and War (Part 1)

Leaving New Bark Town behind them, Kira and Ryanne rode East towards Kanto. The morning sun peeked over Mount Silver, every bit as beautiful as when, only a few weeks ago, the couple had watched the sun rise back on Luvdisc Day. While Kira's Arcanine and Ryanne's Silvally could easily dip their heads a bit to avoid directly looking at the sun, both Trainers looked on unhampered, Ryanne's lenses tinting dark grey from the UV light, and Kira raising her bronze-tinted goggles to be worn around her face, instead of around her neck.

"I can't believe how clear it is this morning," Kira grinned, "It's such a beautiful day!"

Digging into her messenger bag, Ryanne pulled out her Rotom Phone, the latest upgrade above Kira's Rotom Dex, tapping in her passcode to check the weather report. "The local team of Castforms must be off on their forecast," she said frowning at her screen, "This report says it's supposed to be raining all day today." She looked upwards, her brow knitting tighter before she turned her attention back to the screen. "There isn't a cloud in the sky! Rotom Phone, are you sure this forecast is accurate?"

"Bzzt! I'm just reporting the news," The enhanced device responded, exiting the program. "Bzzt! Allow me to refresh the device Miss. Perhaps I need a software update?" A loading screen appeared on the smart phone's face.

Turning her head towards Kira, Ryanne smiled softly. "It's been warm the past couple of days. Maybe we could go swimming this afternoon? I know about a place just South of Viridian City that might be nice."

"Sure! That sounds fun," Kira agreed with a chuckle, accepting her offer. "It's been a while since we swam together. Last time was..." she drew quiet, not wanting to hit a sore spot.

"Last time was with Mallow, Fleet, and Zossie. Yeah, I remember. It's okay to say her name Kira, honest."

Kira grimaced lightly, "Are you sure? I'd hate to bring up anymore bad memories."

Leaning to her left, Sim followed the Trainer's nonverbal command, sidestepping a pace or two closer to Kira's Arcanine so Ryanne could lean her head on her girlfriend's shoulder.

"Well hello~" whispered Kira in surprise.


"Are you feeling alright Darling?"

Ryanne lifted her head, stretching to place a peck on Kira's cheek. "Amazing, really. I'm happier than I've ever been, and it's all thanks to you."

Raising her right arm, Kira coursed her fingers through Ryanne's auburn hair, gently raking her nails along her scalp.

"Mmhnnnnn~" Ryanne softly moaned, her face tinting a couple shades pinker.

"You like that, huh?"

"Yes Milady," Ryanne replied, her expression turning saucy.

"Good." Kira said with a smirk. She nudged her Arcanine to the left, sidestepping away from her girlfriend and her Silvally, nearly making Ryanne lose balance. "If you're a good girl I'll do it some more tonight~"

Tinting red again, Ryanne broke eye contact, a sheepish grin growing on her face. "Kiraaaaa... you can't just say stuff like that in front of our Pokémon!"

"Why not? It's not like we have to shelter them." Kira rubbed the back of her Arcanine's neck, the large komainu growing affectionately. "Kyu and Patches have had multiple eggs, Darkrai's walked in on us at least twice, I've seen Duchess get cozy both Iron Maiden AND my Arcanine, and most damning of all... You literally wear a sub collar as part of your regular outfit now. Our Pokémon know that we're... intimate. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Right?"

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