Chapter 38: Her Parents

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"Mom, Dad? Are you free for a moment?" Mallow asked through the door of her parents' room. She could tell from how soon they stumbled upstairs that evening that it had been a hard day at the restaurant. Normally her parents, Aina and Abe, stayed up for several hours after their family's restaurant closed, but on busy days like today, they often turned in early.

"We're both pretty tired tonight Mallow, can it wait until morning?" came the voice of her father.

Mallow furrowed her brow, her cheeks puffing in annoyance. Behind her, Ryanne looked on, bemused. While Ryanne hated seeing Mallow annoyed, the expression she always made was equal parts cute and hilarious.

"I guess it can wait." Mallow said, rolling her eyes. "I mean, Ryanne and I haven't even set a date yet, so we can wait several months if we have to."

Ryanne laughed aloud at her sardonic reply, laughing even harder as Mallow's parents threw open the door to their room, both alarmed.

"Did you say 'set a date'?" Aina cut her sentence short when she saw the necklace of golden leaves around her daughter's neck. "Mallow, dear! That necklace! Wait, is that? Are you?"

Mallow and Ryanne could barely contain the stupid grins on their face, only to lose it when Abe matter of factly informed her, "Yes Honey, our daughter's finally engaged."

Hugs went around the quartet in excitement over the news of the couple's engagement, ending in Abe holding Ryanne at an arm's length to look her in the eye. "You know Ryanne, we were surprised at first when my daughter informed us she was seeing another lady. I had nothing against it, we had just hadn't expected her to find someone she adores so much. She doesn't stop talking about you whenever you're not together. And if my daughter is happy and in love, that is all that matters."

Mallow gently wrapped her hands around her father's wrists, peeling them off of her fiancé's scapulas. "Dad, remember what I told you about Ryanne's shoulders? No touching without her permission!"

"I'm sorry Sweetheart, and I'm especially sorry to you Ryanne. I'm just so happy for the both of you, I must have gotten caught up in the moment."

Regaining her composure after the shock had worn off, Aina spoke directly to Ryanne. "If I may ask Dearie, why a necklace? Why not a more traditional ring?"

Ryanne scratched the back of her head. While she enjoyed the high energy of the moment, this much attention on both her and Mallow gave her a tingle of anxiety. Drawing eyes off of her, Ryanne held up her own right hand to display a plain copper band around her fourth finger. "Well, Mallow and I have never been 'traditional'. We asked each other out over a bad innuendo. Our first date was on a bench by the Konikoni lighthouse. We've had our good moments and our bad, but we trust each other, and we love each other. When I was leaving for a brief trip in Johto, Mallow gave me a new dress to wear for the occasion. I wanted to repay it with something from the heart, so I had this necklace custom made for her. After I returned from Johto, I missed her so much that I didn't want to let her go. I wanted her to know how serious I truly was about our relationship. As for me, I've never been too fancy, so I kept it simple."

Mallow seemed to be the only one not impressed by the explanation. "Wait a moment. Ryanne, did you only propose to me because we had a fight?" Her parents eyes shot concerned looks in Ryanne's direction.

The Trainer's own eyes dilated at the accusation. "Nonono, you misunderstand. I planned to propose the day I got back, when you came in early and made malasadas. That morning just didn't turn out how I planned. I was working up the confidence again when Kyu had her egg. We had an emotional heart-to-heart, and the moment felt right again."

All three of the verdant-haired restauranteurs relaxed a bit at the explanation. "Good," Mallow chimed, wrapping her arms around her fiancé, "because I'm not giving back this necklace." The two smiled at each other before making a small kiss.

Aina waited until after the duo had broken their lips. "So Ryanne, have you told your own parents yet?"

"Yes Ma'am," Ryanne nodded, "my Dad is happy for us, but my mother is too trapped in her ways. She will not be attending, nor is she a welcome part of our lives. I spent so many years avoiding home to be away from her. Every time I'd call or visit, she was always critical of me and my choices. It only got worse after I became public."

Aina reached out to take Ryanne's hand. "Ryanne, Dearie. I'm sorry that you couldn't grow up with a supportive mother figure. If you'd like, you can call me 'Mom' if you are comfortable with that."

"Now wait a minute," Abe said, finally getting a word in. "When you say 'became public', you mean with your work with Team Skull?"

"Abe Honey, Ryanne means when she came out."

Turning to the young couple, Abe looked to them for support. "I made that clear, right? We fully support you. BOTH of you." he accentuated.

Mallow placed a patient hand on her father's arm. "Daddy, Ryanne means that her mother didn't support her when she transitioned." Mallow's parents both looked surprised. The Trial Captain sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "We talked about this you two."

"Nono, we're surprised that her parents wouldn't support her. Everyone in Alola is so supportive of everyone. You told us that Ilima grew even closer with his family when he transitioned" elaborated Aina.

"Things are a bit different back in Hoenn." Ryanne explained, "Progress focuses more on technological advancements. Sustainable power, weather prediction, space exploration, undersea exploration, stealth detection, stuff like that. It's a great place to live if you are big into research and development, but not so much if you're like me. Too much focus on the future, and not enough of the now. I think that was one of the reasons I latched on so hard to the Alola region. Everyone accepted me as, well, me. Especially Mallow. She's shown me more patience and love than even some of my most loyal Pokémon. It would have been hard to NOT fall in love with her."

"Okay to two," Mallow shooed, "You need to get to bed. Enough chatting in the hallway, Ryanne and I have to get ready for some of her friends from abroad coming in to visit tomorrow. We'll talk more about our plans later."

Mallow's parents nodded agreeingly, and after saying their goodbyes, her father entered their room first. Aina briefly grasped Ryanne's hands "Welcome to our family Dearie."

Ryanne's eyes swelled with joy from her newfound maternal love. "Thanks... Mom."

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