Chapter 57: Doctor Jules

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Author's Warning: The following chapter contains reference to heavy drinking and themes regarding suicide. If such themes offend you, you may want to skip the end of the chapter.

Pokémon Evolution Chapter 57:

Doctor Jules

There was always something about doctor's offices that unnerved Ryanne. Maybe it was the dead quiet of the waiting room, or the soft whine of the florescent lights in the offices. Maybe it was how "too perfect" everything looked, scrubbed and expunged until sterile white, without a single trace of life. Maybe it was the clandestine discussions behind every door that reminded her of schoolyard rumors. Maybe it was having to strip down to your skivvies for a stranger to poke you for a few minutes. That one... that one was the worst one of all.

"You seem anxious," Jennette asked her little sister. "Are you alright?"

Ryanne stared at her hands "I don't really like doctors."

"Why not?"

"Doctors are always trying to get me to lose weight, or stop taking my hormones because they don't think being trans 'is real', or some BS like that. Hell, the last time I was in an office, a crazed scientist from another planet wanted to do experiments on me."

"Don't be silly," Jennette waved her off. "This is a therapist's office, not some alien surgeon!"

"I don't need to be here Sis," Ryanne half-heartedly pleaded, "just let me grieve in my own way. Please?"

Jennette reached over her sister's shoulder to give a reassuring side-hug. "I know you're anxious about doctor's offices, but Doctor Jules is different. She'll just ask you some questions and you can talk about whatever you're comfortable talking about."

The younger of the two women rolled her eyes, "I know how a shrink works Jennette. I don't think I need to be here though. Besides, I was saw someone in Alola to renew my prescriptions, remember?"

"Well, you're not in Alola," Jennette said pointedly, "You're in Hoenn, living with your older sister and her three kids. Even if you're only living under my roof for a few days, I don't want you moping around all day. Doctor Jules is a great psychologist, she helped me mentally get my life back together after 'he' and I split up."

Ryanne remembered back a couple months when her brother-in-law left one day. He scarcely called or messaged his children, he rarely sent alimony, and when he did it was never enough. Jennette still hurt inside, Ryanne knew that, but at least he was gone now that he decided to leave. Her sister had recovered tremendously, almost back to her old self, supposedly through the help of this Doctor Jules.

"Okay, fine. But I'm not happy about it." Ryanne admitted defeat, slumping back into the uncomfortable waiting room chair. The door to the back rooms unlocked, and Ryanne glanced over impatiently, the sooner she could get into Doctor Jules's office the sooner she could get out of this Helix-forsaken waiting room. Instead of the nurse that had been guiding patients, as she had expected, Ryanne caught a glimpse of a familiar face.

Snapping her head up to look more closely at the girl, Ryanne couldn't deny the similarities. Those mousey brown ringlets that cascaded to her shoulders, that gentle sprinkling of freckles that dusted her nose and cheeks, those timber wolf eyes that almost seemed to glow. 'She's a dead ringer for one of Kira's rivals from the Showcase!' Ryanne observed before taking a nudge to the ribs. "Hey, what was that for!" she snapped at her sister.

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