Chapter 77: Insurgence (Part 1)

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Previously, on Pokémon Evolution:

"Necrozma... You can bring Kyu back?"

"I need a new body. You'll help me build a new one. Once I have enough power back, I will bring your beloved Sylveon back to you."

Ryanne glanced at the body again. "Necrozma! I accept your deal."


"R-Ryan? We weren't expecting you back so soon. What brings you?" Kira asked skeptically.

"That is a long story... But in short, it turns out that Ryanne and I aren't the only versions of ourself. Our timelines branch off in multiple paths, and one of our 'sisters' has taken a wrong turn in her timeline, I'm asking you to help me right her path. Necrozma is controlling her, and using her to rebuild their body."


"So my Ryanne and I are going with you, Ryan, and your Fleet to another Ryanne's world to save her from Necrozma's control. We're leaving Kari behind though, because the other Ryanne's Kyu died. And to ease Fleet's confusion, my Ryanne is going to pretend to be Ryan's twin sister, named Sylvia."

Pokémon Evolution

Chapter 77 - Insurgence (Part 1)

Swirling storm clouds centralized over the island violently vomited heavy rain, and wicked bolts of electricity pinballed across the sky. The water was choppy, but eventually the group's Aether Foundation boat had made it to the Ula'Ula docks in one piece, and they made their way across the island without crossing another person or Pokémon.

"This whole island is like a ghost town..." 'Sylvia' quietly observed.

"That's Necrozma's doing," Fleet replied. "When Necrozma took control of the island, the Kahunas evacuated Ula'Ula, allowing the Tapus to stop them. The Tapus never returned though, so now Ula'Ula Island is considered a disaster sight. The Kahunas, Solgaleo, and Lunala have their hands full protecting the rest of Alola."

"What about Alola's Champion?" asked Kira.

Ryan let out a quiet sigh. "Hau challenged Necrozma to a fight in attempt to free the island. His Pokémon barely escaped with their lives, carrying their Trainer's body with them."


Though the storm tore at the island, it began to steadily let up once the quartet reached the eye of the storm, Po Town. The gate had been blown away, crumpled metal shards dotting the entrance to the settlement. The houses that lined Po Town's central street were damaged beyond repair, leaving only Guzma's former mansion standing.

"We should split into two pairs to avoid detection," suggested Fleet with a whisper. "I'll go with Kira and the two siblings can go together."

The others silently agreed to the plan, 'Sylvia' and Ryan taking the left side of town to sneak through and Fleet and Kira taking the right. Each couple exchanged a kiss for good luck before they parted, slinking through the rubble as quietly as possible.

With their prior knowledge of the town, 'Sylvia' and Kira led the way for their respective pair, peeking out from behind bushes and around corners to guide the male Trainer behind them through the destroyed houses and businesses.

"Not the first time I've seen this city in ruins," Ryanne whispered in confession, no longer needing the pseudonym with Fleet not nearby, "Though I'm glad it wasn't Basil's fault this time."

"Wouldn't know." Ryan replied, "This is my first time in Alola. Fleet and I went to Galar together after Kalos."

They continued to quietly sneak for another couple minutes, both freezing when they heard a rumbling noise. Rubble shifted, halting the 'siblings' in their tracks only for a yelp to erupt from the other side of town.

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