Chapter 15: Not for Little Skiddos (aka: this chapter contains a sex scene)

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Author's Note: WARNING: I am fully aware that the following chapter is going to be controversial. The point of this series is to incorporate LGBT topics into the world of Pokemon, and dysphoria and sexuality are part of that. That being said, this chapter contains the themes of Gender Dysphoria, and LGBT sexuality. If such content bothers you, I would advise against reading the first half of this chapter and skipping to the break.

 Ryanne fumbled with her keys in a half-asleep stupor. She had been awake for nearly 18 hours and was finally walking through her front door, ready to crash. Not even Kyu, her most loyal Pokemon, was awake to accompany her. The day had been long and arduous, leading a smaller-than-normal group of Skull Grunts on a task to reinforce Seaward Cave. A battle for territory between the local Digletts and an invasive Gyrados had caused the cave system to collapse, preventing Trainers, tourists, and researchers from accessing Kala'e Bay. Ryanne, her Grunts, and their collective Pokemon toiled for 10 hours just to clear the cave-in, and another 5 to reinforce the walls and ceiling with steel beams. She was exhausted, dirty, and longing for a good night's sleep... and the clock only read midnight.

Ryanne's apartment in Paniola Town was fairly small, even compared to Kiawe's home down the road. The apartment's bottom floor held the living room and small kitchen, while only her bedroom and the bathroom were upstairs. It was a modest arrangement, but it was comfortable, and the cost was low enough that her remaining advertising money could pay for her rent and utilities. The Team Skull Admin sloughed her bag off of her shoulder onto her meager table for two. She took out her team's Pokeballs and left them on the living room carpet. Her Pokemon would let themselves out when they were rested enough, and most were independent enough to take care of themselves. She turned to scale the stairs to her room, when she spotted Mallow's Tsareena resting on the couch.

Mallow was staying over tonight! How could she forget!?! Ryanne's feet felt like they were equipped with Lagging Tails, but she dragged herself up the steps as quickly as she could. Placing her ear to the door, Ryanne listened to see if her girlfriend was asleep. Hearing nothing, she slowly opened the door, only to find Mallow already in her bed, reading. Mallow closed the book and excitedly hopped out of bed to greet her. "You're home! Oh, You look exhausted. Maybe I should go back to my place? We can always reschedule?"

With a quick hug and a peck on the lips, Ryanne waved her hand to reject the idea. "No no, we planned this a week ago. Just let me take a shower and get into pajamas. I'll feel more energetic when I'm more comfortable."

"Sure thing Sugar. I'm reading 'Lord of the Z-Rings. I just got to the part when it's revealed that Golem was originally a Smeargle before obtaining the ring, so take your time." Mallow replied before hopping back into the Queen-sized bed. Grabbing her pjs from the small dresser, Ryanne crossed the room, blowing Mallow a second kiss before she faced the door.

Turning the handle to the restroom, Ryanne flicked on the light, closed the door and began to disrobe. Clothes soiled by the grime from a hard day's work peeled off like a wet bathing suit, going straight into the hamper. Seeing how full it was becoming, she made a mental note that she needed to do laundry that weekend. Warm water piped through the shower head down Ryanne's back, soothing her aching joints. She rolled her shoulders back, allowing the water to flow down her front side. Her scalp danced from pleasure as her fingers gently massaged the lather through her hair. The follicles snaked down her shoulders to her mid-spine, draping Ryanne's back in a wet cape of chestnut. Twisting off the faucet, and reaching for her towel, Ryanne stepped out from the shower, feeling somewhat refreshed. A flick of a latch opened the bathroom's small window, venting steam out into the Alolan night. She dried herself and slipped on her nightly dress: an old, thinning cotton t-shirt and a pair of polyester athletic shorts.

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