Chapter 21: Eyes in the Forest

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Author's Note: Ryanne's discomfort during the spring scene is rooted in her dysphoria and still not being fully comfortable with her body given she is mid-transtion.

 A soothing breeze snaked through groves of bamboo which stretched nearly forty feet into the air. Occasional leaves drifted down, adding to the patchwork of green on the ground. The peaceful scenery was interrupted by the gurgling gasp of a rift shredding open between dimensions. A dichotomy of air flows leaned the stalks away from the portal as the ground litter was sucked into the vortex. From only a short jaunt away, intrigued eyes observed the anomaly... this might prove interesting.

The Emissary of the Moon spiraled through the Ultra Wormhole with three Pokemon Trainers on her back, taking a tight turn upward to avoid crashing into a thick patch of the bamboo grove. The trio of Trainers clung tight to Lunala's back as she ascended higher and higher, the canopy of bamboo so thick one could barely see the sky. Behind them, the portal's gasping finally swallowed, sealing up as quickly as it had opened. Finally, the Psychic & Ghost type broke through the topmost blanket of leaves, spreading her wings enough to hover. The Trainers looked around, taking in their new surroundings.

"I-I didn't think we'd make it." Kira gasped. "What were those things?"

"Space turbulence maybe?" guessed Kaladin, unsure himself.

"Whatever those things are, let's NOT fly through anymore." The Johto native asserted. Kaladin and Ryanne nodded in agreement.

Ryanne placed her hand lovingly on Lunala's neck. "Good job getting us out of that chaos, friend. Are you okay to fly some more?" Lunala's echoing call sounded weak, that was a 'no'. Ryanne peered around the area below, a patch of bamboo grove appeared to vanish just due East. "Think you can set us down in that clearing?" The Moone Pokemon slowly nodded, gliding down towards the open ground.

Sliding off Lunala's back onto the leaf-littered soil, the trio gazed around in amazement. "This bamboo reminds me of Malie City." Ryanne observed.

"Malie City's architecture was inspired after Ecruteak City you know. It's just a schlep South of Goldenrod City, my hometown." added Kira.

"Right, I forgot about that. I've never been to Johto." Ryanne half-apologized.

"Wherever we are, the sun is setting, I'll get a fire and some food going," spoke up Kaladin, changing the subject. "Can you two find a stream or something? We're starting to run low on our water."

The two women nodded, and Ryanne grabbed their canteens. They could admire the grove more as they walked anyway.


"Aaaaaaand... Sent!" Ryanne chimed.

"Another letter to Mallow?" Kira queried "Doesn't it concern you that she hasn't responded to any of your messages?"

"Not really. The Pokeball with Cnida went through, and images that Lilith sent from Ultra Plant went through. The least I can do is hope that my messages reach her, even way out in Ultra Forest." Ryanne insisted.

"Ultra Space, Ultra Beasts, Ultra Sea, Ultra Plant, Ultra Forest. I swear to Helix, we need to come up with better names for these things. How about we call this area-Wait!" Kira paused to sniff the air "Do you smell that?!?"

Ryanne took a moment to inhale deeply. "Sulfur? I didn't see a volcano when we were in the air, did you?"

"A lot of mountain springs reek of sulfur. If we follow the smell, maybe we'll find some water." Kira loosed a Pokeball from her belt. "Jet, I need your help!" Kira's Houndoom surged from the capture device, greeting her with a gruff bark. "Help us find the source of the water, okay?" The Fire & Dark type let out a low pitched howl in affirmation.

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