Chapter 76: Gamma

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Previously, on Pokémon Evolution:

"Necrozma, you can bring Kyu back?"

"I can... Once I have enough power back, I will bring your beloved Sylveon back to life."
Ryanne glanced at the body once more. "I accept your deal."


"Can I make sure I have everything straight?" Kira asked

"Of course."

"So my Ryanne and I are going with you, Ryan, and your Fleet to another Ryanne's world to save her from Necrozma's control. We're leaving Kari behind though, because the other Ryanne's Kyu died. And to ease Fleet's confusion, my Ryanne is going to pretend to be Ryan's twin sister, named Sylvia."

Ryanne and Ryan grinned with pride. "Got it in one."

Pokémon Evolution

Chapter 76: Gamma

Transported through the golden gate of Hoopa's ring, Kira and Ryanne stepped out into a room neither of them recognized. It was small and dark, the only light in the room creeping through a pair of drawn curtains.

"Ullp!" Kira heaved, quickly bolting to a trash can nearby, expelling the contents of her stomach.

Ryanne approached her with a compassionate smile, gently rubbing her back. "Are you alright Milady?" she asked sweetly, offering her a drink from her bottle of water.

"Th-thanks," she murmured. Kira downed several gulps of water, washing the unpleasantness from her mouth. "I can't think of anything that could have caused that," she pondered. "I'm not sick and it wasn't our food..."

"It's Hoopa's portal rings," Ryan explained. "For some reason, Ryanne and I are unaffected, but all other people who pass through Hoopa's rings become nauseous. I'm sorry, I should have warned you first."

Kira replied by nodding weakly. Pulling a green Pokéball with red and yellow markings from his bag, Ryan held the capture device out towards Hoopa. "Great job buddy. I'll see you later, okay?" A flash of red, and the Mischief Pokémon returned to the ball.

A smirk graced Ryanne's face as she watched in surprise while still comforting Kira. "I'm impressed, 'Brother'... You caught Hoopa?"

"Yeah! Once I realized they just needed someone to help them curb their mischievous tendencies, befriending Hoopa was easy. Heh heh, I even let them choose out their own ball!" Ryan grinned, caressing the Friend Ball in his hands.

"Hmmm." Ryanne pondered which of her Pokémon her counterpart would and wouldn't have. 'I know he wouldn't have Ozone, Kenny, my Mimikyu, or my Silvally. Who knows who has caught that I haven't though!'

Having collected herself, Kira crossed the room to the window, drawing the curtains open. The window revealed navy blue waters roiling under a murky sky. "Where ARE we?" Kira asked Ryan, glancing back at him.

"A room I'm borrowing. We're in a place you might recognize, it's called the 'Aether Paradise'." Ryan answered, "The people living on Ula'ula Island evacuated here once your 'old friend' started raising havoc."

Ryanne's eyebrows scrunched, "That's not right... If they attacked Alola, then the Tapus or the Kahunas would have stopped them?"

"The Mallow in this world told me that Necrozma took control of the Island Guardian on Ula'ula, then carried on to control the other three as well. The Kahunas don't wish to hurt the Guardians, so as long as our corrupted sister keeps to Ula'ula Island, they leave her alone."

Kira took hold of Ryanne's hand, squeezing it. "Those poor people, all those poor Pokémon!"

A sharp knock came at the door, prompting Ryan to check it through the peep hole. "That's Fleet and Mallow now. By the way, Sis, I filled Mallow in on the name thing before I came to retrieve you." Ryan opened the door, permitting the entrance of an olive-skinned Trainer dressed in royal blue and another with bright, verdant-green hair. "Welcome back! Mallow, you know these two already. Fleet, this is my sister Sylvia and her girlfriend Kira."

Mallow gasped quietly, "it really IS you!" she whispered, prompting a tinge of embarrassment from Ryanne.

Fleet stepped forward get a closer look at the newcomers. "Intriguing! The resemblance between the two of you is uncanny Ryan! How did I never hear about your twin back when we were rivals?" He held out a hand to shake.

Ryanne and Kira each shook 'Fleet Beta's' hand, both of them silently amused at the weirdness of the situation. "I tend to keep to myself," Ryanne fibbed, "Ask my parents and they'll say 'Sylvia, we don't have a daughter by that name!' I'm not surprised you only knew about Jennette."

"Speaking of which, that reminds me!" Kira piped up, "Ryan, during your travels, how DID you meet Mallow?"

The Trial Captain of Lush Jungle proudly placed her hands on her hips, "that's an easy one! Hoopa brought Ryan here to Alola by accident, instead of Hoenn. I recognized him as looking like you, and when I realized he was your brother, I asked him to bring you here to help with our little issue on Ula'ula."

Aware of the message behind Mallow's words, 'Sylvia' nodded her head. This Mallow wasn't HER Mallow, but she had all of the memories they shared before they were engaged. "It's good to see you too. So, someone mind filling Kira and myself in on the plan?"

Fleet opened up the map on his PokéNav Plus, tracing a path with his finger. "Mallow is going to stay here as our contact person. You two, Ryan, and I are going to use Hoopa's ring to reach Ula'ula Island. While we're there, we'll guide any remaining victims here to Aether Paradise until we reach Po Town. Mallow says that there we'll find the leader of a community service organization named 'Team Skull'. Hmm, poor choice of name there-"

"Babe." Ryan interjected.

"Right, sorry. We'll find the leader of Team Skull, take down the four mind-controlled Tapus, the Island's Guardians, before finally freeing her from Necrozma's control. Sound good?" Nods from around the group gave Fleet the answer he needed. "Excellent, on to Ula'ula Island then!"

To Be Continued...

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