Chapter 10: Dinner Date

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Author's Note: The following chapter contains references to Gender Dysphoria and references a "Pre-op" transgender individual. While not all transgender individuals undergo Gender Confirmation Surgery, doing so or not doing so does not make them any more or less valid.

A little over two weeks had gone by since Mallow had presented Ryanne with her final Z-Crystal, and though her offer for dinner still stood, the two girls hadn't made plans yet. When she saw Kiawe the other day, her fellow Trial Captain informed Mallow that an egg of Ryanne's had hatched, but surely no infant Pokemon required that much attention. Was the trainer's acceptance of her offer genuine, or just another girl to turn her down?

"Is something bothering you Mallow?" her mother asked "You seem a little distracted today."

The verdant-haired girl's head turned to look over to her. "Everything's fine Mama, why?"

"No reason," she responded smugly "You've just poured that customer too much iced tea is all." Mallow's head snapped back to the customer she was helping, who wore both a cross expression and extremely wet pants.

The glass had overfilled, drenching the plate, counter, and the silent patron in chilled herbal tea. Mallow jerked the pitcher up to stop pouring and apologized profusely, they'd have to comp his bill... and likely his dry cleaning too. After the customer had left in a tizzy, the Trial Captain began to clean the counter of the tea as the phone rang.

"Z-set Bistro" Mallow's father answered in his average tone, "how can I help you? Oh Mallow? No, she's working tonight. No, she didn't say anything about making any plans. A friend you say? I'll let her know. Thank you." As her father nonchalantly hung up the phone, Mallow stared at him expectantly.

"Are you going to tell me who that was?"

"Either a young woman with a deeper voice or a young man who's trying to sound higher pitched... I couldn't tell. They asked if you were free tonight, you aren't, so I told them so. They responded that you two are friends, and you talked about spending some time together, and that if you got off early they'd be waiting by the lighthouse tonight."

"Can I?"

"Can you what?"

"Get of early Dad!" Mallow said exasperatedly "Can I get off early to see Ryanne?!?"

"Oh that girl who found the Rare Bone a while back? Should be a slow night tonight, I don't see why not."

Mallow sighed a breath of relief. "Thank you Dad."


Mallow worked diligently in her parents' restaurant that night, serving customers and clearing tables; she even earned quite a few larger tips for her service. As the last customer left for the night, the clock read 9:35, 25 minutes until closing. "Mom? Dad? can I go now?"

"Alright Mallow, you've worked especially hard today," her mother laughed "have fun with your friend."

The Grass-type trainer bolted out the door and down the street to Lighthouse Point. The superfluously-titled cliffside was home to Akala Island's only lighthouse, and right now, the place where Ryanne hand selected to meet up with Mallow. As the Trial Captain approached, she noticed the other trainer working with a thread and needle on a oddly-shaped bundle of fabric. Ryanne sat cockeyed on one of the two sturdy benches, the lighthouse looming over her like a giant chess piece.

"Hey Ryanne!!" Mallow greeted the more experienced trainer. "It's so good to see you again!"

After a second or two, Ryanne looked up from the stitching, and bit off the end of the tied-off thread. "Perfect timing Mallow, I just finished."

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