Chapter 85: Love and War (Part 2)

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(Author's note): The following chapter chapter contains a fair bit of swearing. Just thought I'd warn you...

Also, stick around for the end of the chapter for an important note!

Pokémon Evolution

Chapter 85: Love and War (Part 2)

The younger Trainer pulled her dark brown ringlets back, before unfastening her starry cloak. She retrieved a black bracelet from a pocket within, attaching it to her wrist, before dropping her cloak on the grass nearby.

She held an azure ball with two red stripes on it, a Great Ball. "Time to take you down a peg, Kira!" spat the brunette, sending out her second Pokémon.

Her Salamence burst onto the battlefield roaring furiously, his eyes locked and glaring at Duchess. The Sharp Claw Pokémon swallowed, intimidated, but remained stalwart in her Trainer's abilities despite the added pressure of such a terrifying foe.

"Duchess, are you okay to keep fighting, are do you want a break?"

The Weavile grinned confidently, tightening her claws into fists. "Vile!"

"Alright, I'll keep you in. You were already fast before, so let's see what your new speed can do. Use Ice Shard!"

"Wea!" Duchess raked her claws through the air, frigid air swirling around them. Throwing her arms before her, the Weavile sent out a scattershot of sharp hailstones at the Salamence.

"Not fast enough," Tsked Kira's challenger, "Visper, use Protect." Upon her Trainer's command, Visper tucked her head, wings, and limbs inwards towards her draconic body, a green energy field deflecting the ice shower just before it hit.

The challenger scoffed. "Too easy," she said with a chuckle. Activating the black band on her wrist. Infinity Energy poured from the bracelet, feeding into the colorful stone attached to the Salamence's neck collar, charging it with energy. The draconic Pokémon burst forth from the shell of Infinity Energy, larger and more powerful than before. Visper's wings had fused into a massive crescent-shaped glider wing, her head fins elongating like sharp blades, and her thick grey belly scales extending like a harness.

"Whoa! She Mega Evolved!" called out Kira in surprise, a second later, her opponent's plan clicked into place. "Of course! You knew that with Duchess already weakened, I'd try to go for a quick sweep. But, since the strength and defensive boost from your Salamence's Mega Evolution takes time to fully kick in, you shielded yourself. Let's see if it makes a difference now. Duchess... Ice Shard, again."

"You catch on quick Kira, but you're still not fast enough. Visper, Double Team."

Duchess fired off another scattershot of hailstones, striking the Salamence as she ascended into the air with an aileron roll. At the zenith of Visper's climb, her form flickered, appearing to split into a quartet of identical dragons, circling overhead Kira's Weavile like a flock of Mandibuzz.

"Playing the 'can't hit me' game, huh?" Kira frowned, considering her options. "Duchess, come back, I'm switching you out."

"Wea? Vile! Vile!"

"Don't argue with me Duchess. It's not safe for you now, come back."

Reluctantly, the Weavile returned, Kira swapping out Duchess for her Arcanine. The large komainu ferociously growled, glaring at the circling Salamence swarm.

"Visper, use Giga Impact."

"Arcanine, Crunch!"

Accelerated by the heightened speed of her Mega Evolution, the quartet of Vispers became surrounded in gale force winds as they homed in like rockets towards Kira's Arcanine. While able to dodge the first two dragons, the third landed her blow, striking with devastating force.

Pokemon Evolution: A fanfic for older Pokemon Fansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें