Chapter 66: Wingman

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Author's Warning: The following chapter contains references to bondage and self-harm. If such themes offend you, may skip this one?

Pokémon Evolution Chapter 66:


That night, Ryanne didn't sleep well. Tossing and turning in the night, after four hours of sleeplessness later, Ryanne slipped on her hoodie and tiptoed out the door of Kira's room.

Her socks silently patting downstairs, the sound of Keith snoring in-front of the television caught her ear as she snuck by. 'Oh man, Kira's going to give her dad so much crap in the morning,' Ryanne thought with a smirk.

The chilly air of the Goldenrod City night wrapped around Ryanne, chilling her legs nearly bare legs. Peering towards the heavens, Ryanne briefly admired the chain of stars that formed the Milotic constellation in the northern night sky. "Damn these shorts, it's freezing out here!" she cursed, as the hairs on her calves stood on end. Zipping up her hoodie, Ryanne crossed her arms over her chest, shivering.

"Cold?" A familiar voice rasped behind her. The second shadow trailing behind Ryanne peeled itself up from the sidewalk, twisting its form into the shape of Darkrai. "Mistress Ryanne, is everything alright?"

Ryanne's exhaled sharply, biting her lower lip. She had to tell them. "No, I'm not 'alright'. I'm angry... angry at you. I came out here to get some air."

Darkrai was taken aback, "You are angry? At me? Why?"

Lowering herself onto the stoop of Kira's backdoor, Ryanne massaged her temples. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because you terrorized Kyu and Patches, nearly drove the girl I JUST got together with to tears, and exposed an embarrassing secret of mine... all in the span of a few minutes." Ryanne's voice was steadily raising, her tone growing more and more irritable. "What were you thinking with that little stunt earlier Darkrai?"

The Pitch-Black Pokémon's shoulders slumped slightly, their single visible eye shifting about as if to find answers hidden in the back alley. "I was just trying to help you Mistress. Did you not say you were 'too comfortable to move on', that you 'liked being scared' for once?"

"I did say that. But I didn't want you to scare our friends too." Ryanne directed an index finger right at Darkrai. "YOU need to apologize to them, but you can start with me first. What I meant was that I wanted to move at my own pace, not for you to force me into telling Kira. What if Kira hadn't accepted it? Did you even think about that? I'm lucky enough that she has any interest in me, let alone has feelings for me! What if she drew the line at my interest in bondage and kicked us out?"

Darkrai laced their fingers together, their tone sincere. "I deeply apologize. It appears this is twice I have disappointed lately. I truly just wanted to help you move forward. I know you said it was not my fault before, but I still feel responsible for what happened between you and Miss Mallow. I want to make you happy, but it seems I went to far... again."

Ryanne wasn't proud to admit it, but Darkrai's logic made sense in a way. They had her best interests at heart, though their actions were misguided. She exhaled heavily, releasing the frustration that had built up within her. Was she in the wrong to be angry? Ryanne pulled her companion close, gently massaging the back of their wraith-like hand. "Darkrai, buddy, I appreciate your concern, but I need make some legs of my journey on my own. I'm glad you're here for me, and I know you want me to love again, but I need to be the one to do that. You can't do it for me. Deal?"

"Deal" they replied with a nod.

"Though seriously, you need to apologize to Kira."

Again Darkrai nodded in agreement. "I promise, I will."

"Good." Ryanne said pointedly, "Now then, since we've been sharing secrets... can I ask you something personal?"

"If that is what you wish," Darkrai answered.

Ryanne thought about her words carefully. "When exactly did you get that scar over your right eye? I know you don't show your right eye often, but you haven't had any scar there the entire time I've known you. Suddenly a scar shows up when we were on Full Moon Island?"

The Pitch-Black Pokémon delicately swept their white bangs to the side, uncovering their second azure eyeball. A scar crossed down the wraith-like Pokémon's face. "I had hoped you would not see this, but you know what they say: 'The best laid plans of Rattata and Trainers do often go astray.'"

Ryanne rolled her eyes. "Darkrai, quit beating around the bush."

"That night you... made an attempt at your life... that was when it happened."

Hands flying to her mouth, Ryanne made an audible gasp, tears beginning to collect in her eyes. "Did-Did I do that to you? I never though I'd-"

"It was not you," Darkrai interrupted, "I made this. I felt guilty that I had played a hand in your depression. I felt like I needed to punish myself," they said poignantly. "When your family tended to you, I 'tended' to myself, in a way."

Darkrai jumped in surprise as Ryanne practically tackled them in a tight embrace. "I'm sorry Darkrai. I wish you had let me know sooner. It sounds like I need to be better at communicating with all of you, especially with things like my depression. Please don't punish yourself again, I worry enough about you."

"I am sorry too. Sorry for my secrets, for the deceit, and for spilling your secrets. I am lucky to have a Trainer like you." The Dark-type pulled their Trainer to their feet, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Now then, can we go back inside Mistress? You could catch a cold!"

"Sure thing," Ryanne mused.

Back inside and up the stairs, Ryanne and Darkrai slipped into Kira's room. Slinking into the darkest corner, Darkrai phased into the dun as Ryanne settled back on her air mattress.

A yawn pierced the room. "Why are you awake Darling?" Kira mumbled from her own bed, not even half-awake.

Ryanne smiled, even asleep, Kira cared about her. "I'll tell you in the morning," Ryanne whispered.

To Be Continued...

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