Chapter 80: Another Trial

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Pokémon Evolution

Chapter 80 - Another Trial

Dropping off the last bag outside, Kira leaned against the door jam to rest for a moment. Despite traveling with Ryanne, the pile of gear was about the same as when her girlfriend had arrived at her doorstep four months ago, anything unnecessary being stored in her room for the time being.

"Is that everything?" asked Ryanne from inside.

"Yep!" Looking over her shoulder, Kira saw Ryanne had finished making their lunch. Steam wisped over the tops of two bowls, tonkotsu toppings drifted above a raft of thin noodles, all swimming in rich, golden broth. Between the bowls, a small golden of golden spheres, lightly drizzled in a malt-brown sauce.

Pulling back a chair for her girlfriend, Ryanne moved to the fridge to get their drinks. "Go ahead, sit, enjoy!"

Kira's expression melted into affection as she took her seat, popping a grilled pancake-like ball into her mouth. "This is fabulous Darling! You didn't have to make ramen AND takoyaki. I said either sounded good!" As she snuck in a second sphere, Kira savored the blend of ingredients as she chewed her takoyaki, each of her cheeks bulging outwards slightly. The azure-haired Trainer's tastebuds popped with the fresh flavors of green onion, corn, pickled ginger, kimchi, and edamame. "Mmmmmnn!"

"I know it was unnecessary, but it's worth all the extra work to see you enjoy a good meal," Ryanne replied, smiling warmly, "So. Is it good?" She pulled out a bottle of seltzer water and another bottle of ginger ale, combining the liquids in two tall glasses.

"Wonderful, as always!"

A light rumble from the garage announced Keith's arrival, excitedly entering with Wattson at his heels and a grocery bag in his hand. "Oh good! You haven't left yet!"

"Of course we haven't left Dad, we still need to load the balloon up. Besides, we wouldn't have left without saying goodbye. Come on, join us for lunch!"

Reaching into the tepid pot with her tongs, Ryanne retrieved a bloom of noodles for Keith's bowl, bathing them in two ladlefuls of broth and adding the same toppings. She gracefully carried the steaming bowl over before making a second trip to retrieve him a pair of chop sticks.

"Thank you Dear, Kira's lucky to have you." Keith said politely, taking his seat at the table.

"Daaaaad..." groaned Kira softly.

"What? Am I wrong 'Kiki'? You and Ryanne make a great team! I'm happy you two are traveling together."

"Dad, please don't embarrass me!" she continued to groan, even louder once Ryanne's brow perk in interest at this new nickname.

His expression shifting to amusement, Keith's voice took on a dramatic flair as he began to pose while he spoke. "Two girls, embarking on a fantastic quest of discovery! Though they had traveled to other worlds as friends, they hadn't journeyed the world as lovers..."

"Daddy stop!" Kira said exasperatedly, her only comforts in this time of torture being Ryanne's bubbly chuckle and holding her hand under the table.

Keith chortled unabashedly, his whole body lightly shaking like an engine in idle. He looked from his daughter to her girlfriend and back, decades of similar compassion crinkling the corners of his eyes and creating little divots at each end of his wide grin.

Clearing his throat, he looked the auburn-haired Trainer. "Ryanne Sylvia Faewander," he said in a serious tone.

"Y-yes Mister Farraway?"

"You will look out for my little girl, correct? She's not going to come home in a month with a broken heart?"

Swallowing, Ryanne nodded enthusiastically. "I wouldn't dream of it Sir. I know you haven't known me very long, but I genuinely love her. Why would I want any harm to come to Kira?"

Keith's body firmed up, his smile faded, his brow hardened. "Wouldn't you have said the same when you were engaged only a short time ago?"

"DAD! What the hell?!" Kira stood up abruptly, her chair tipping back behind and collapsing to the linoleum with a thunderous crash. The Trainer glared daggers at her father. "Why are you putting her on trial?"

"Kira... I've got this," Ryanne whispered softly. Their hands still linked, she squeezed Kira's hand gently, the slight pressure seemingly snapping her girlfriend out of her annoyance.

With a slow blink, her spring-green eyes shifted to meet Ryanne's own hazel irises. She looked so calm, so sure of herself now. Where was the nervous girl she had met so long ago, dressed in a last minute cosplay of the famous scientist Colress? Kira nodded softly, giving a minor apologetic smile. She gently pulled her hand away, bending to right her chair once again.

Ryanne inhaled slowly, releasing it through her nose. "Mr Farraway... Keith, Sir. I'm not afraid to admit it. I've made mistakes in my past. One of those mistakes was proposing to my ex in an effort to save our relationship. We had a fight, and the present that was going to be my apology gift became my proposal necklace instead. But things only seemed to go down hill from there. But I won't make those same mistakes again. I've grown so much since then. I love your daughter, I know that as fact. Kira's happiness and safety will be among my top priorities... But you already know that, don't you? You just wanted to put me in some hot water to see if I'd crumple under pressure, didn't you?"

Grinning wide, Keith unabashedly laugh again. "Well of course! Not everyday my little Kiki runs off on an adventure. I know you'll take care of each other." His eyes returned to the same kind expression as before. Ryanne had passed his test. "Now let's eat already! The food is getting cold!"

Once they finished eating, Keith took care of the dishes while Ryanne and Kira loaded their belongings into Ozone's basket. The Blimp Pokémon happily bobbed just above the ground, excited to be taking to the sky again.

"You're going to be traveling with all that stuff by balloon?" Keith asked skeptically, coming outside. He held his arms behind his back.

"Ozone will be meeting us in New Bark town tonight," Ryanne explained.

"Right, Ryanne and I will be riding there to visit Professor Elm before entering Kanto via Routes 27 and 26. We'll call you when we reach Viridian City, okay?"

Keith nodded as he listened to the couple's plan, silently nodding before bringing his hands out from behind him when they both finished. In his hands, Keith held a sealed bottle with a ribbon tied around the neck. "A little gift for your adventure..."

Their eyes wide, the young women looked between each other in disbelief.

"Is that... champagne?" asked Ryanne with concern.

"Dad!" Kira scowled, "We've talked about this. Ryanne can't drink, she has a bad history with alcohol. What is with-"

"-It's sparkling cider Kira..." Keith replied dryly.

Turning as scarlet red as a Spelon berry, Kira sheepishly accepted the bottle. "Oh. Cider... Right. Thank you."

Once Ryanne's Drifblim had taken off with their belongings, the two Trainers summoned their Ride Pokémon. Sim the Silvally and Kira's Arcanine stretched their legs, ready to travel. After saying their goodbyes, Ryanne and Kira mounted their steeds, heading eastward, towards Kanto.

"'Lectivire," Wattson grumbled, wrapping a burly yellow and black arm around Keith's shoulder.

"Hmm... yeah, they'll do great." Keith leaned his head against the Thunderbolt Pokémon's arm, the Electivire's fur soft to touch. "As long as they have each other, they can do anything!"

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