Chapter 35: Special Delivery

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 Roughly a week after Mallow walked out of Ryanne's apartment, Ryanne threw herself completely into her work with Team Skull. With her administrators, Jack and Gloria, spearheading the fieldwork, Ryanne could focus more on the behind the scenes work. It was difficult running the nonprofit, but the challenge kept her focused on the work, rather than the emotional pain that ate away at her from within.

Ryanne had spent the entire day calling various Alolan organizations, both to return calls regarding requests for services, and to call if any businesses needed assistance. She had found three of her recruits part time jobs in Hau'oli City, and another recruit an internship with Malie City's premiere sushi chef. A scheduled clean-up at the Tide Song Hotel today meant Ryanne had her office to herself, without the company of her Admins, but luckily Kyu was keeping her company... Sort of.

Kyu's temperament had changed a bit shortly after Ryanne had visited Regina. Normally a nurturing type, her Sylveon had become fairly antisocial lately. Normally one to stretch out in a sunny window or right against Ryanne's leg for a nap, Kyu had recently taken to burying herself under a pile of blankets. If Ryanne was being honest with herself, she had been acting antisocially and burying herself in blankets too, but at least she was feeling heartbroken.

"You doing alright over there girl?" Ryanne asked to a refrigerator box strewn with throw blankets. Kyu didn't vocalize a response, but a feeler poking out of the box to wave slightly indicated to Ryanne that her Sylveon was at least conscious. The ringing of Ryanne's PokéNav Plus signaled yet another phone call, pulling the Team Skull Representative back to work from her far too brief break.

"Thank you for calling Team Skull. 'Give us a job, and we'll dokuro do it!' This is Representative Ryanne speaking, how can I help you?" Ryanne answered wearily.

"Is that seriously your Team's catchphrase?" queried a young female voice.

"It is currently. Now what can I do for you?"

"Looking at your friend would be nice," the voice said slyly. Turning to look at her PokéNav Plus lying on her desk, Ryanne noticed it wasn't a phone call after all, but a video call, and smiling back at her was none other than Zossie!

Ryanne grabbed the device, holding the camera in her direction. "Zossie? What a surprise! What's up?"

Without the large visor of her bulky helmet, Zossie's brilliant burnt orange eyes twinkled on the video feed. "I have amazing news." Zossie nearly burst at the seams, "We had to call you right away. My Poipole evolved!"

There was no hiding Ryanne's expression of shock. "They... what?!? Did you say evolved?!?"

"Yeah! Look at them now." Zossie's camera feed turned to a Pokémon roughly six times Poipole's original height. The once cute beast's purple form had shifted to that of a bizarre hybrid between a wasp and a wyvern. While this new form still carried many attributes from Poipole's original incarnation, their cute demeanor was now replaced by a more stern expression.

"That evolution is amazing!" Ryanne congratulated, "I didn't even know Ultra Beasts could evolve."

"Most of them can't," Zossie corrected, "But mine is a special species. My people called this form 'Naganadel'. As soon as Fleet saw them, he said you would want to see for yourself."

'That name!' Ryanne thought, 'he hasn't gone by Fleet in years.'

"Hey Zossie, speaking of our mutual friend, is he available?" Ryanne asked.

Zossie nodded, passing the camera over to her mentor and Ryanne's former rival. "Hey Ryanne, good to see you again."

"Fleet?" Ryanne asked judgmentally.

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