Chapter 47: A Day at the Beach Part 2 (Collab with MoFlame)

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Part 2 of A Day at the Beach is done and ready for you to enjoy. As always, a big thanks to the wonderful MoFlame for collaborating with me on this project. You can also check out her series " Bizarre Adventures of a Half-Elf"(which I helped make two characters for). Enjoy the chapter, and there will be more on the way soon!

PKMN Evolution Ch 47: A Day at the Beach (part 2)

After setting up the group's lunch, Ryanne sat down to toss the Rindo salad with the tongs she brought with her. Mallow sat down at the bench, scooting next to her. "Is that the same pasta and salad you made on our first date?" The Trial Captain asked.

"Yeah," Ryanne replied while absentmindedly tossing the vegetables, "I like having salad with pasta." The auburn-haired Trainer looked at her dispassionately, "Do you want any Nomelade? I know you're not big on Pinap juice."

Mallow shook her head in rejection to the offer. "I don't like either. Did you bring any Roserade Tea?"

Ryanne dug around in her personal bag, "I have one left, I'll have to restock at my place."

"Don't you mean OUR place?" she said flirtatiously.

Ryanne handed the tea bag to her forcefully. "No, I mean MY place. We don't have any hot water, but I'm sure you'll figure out what to do." Her fiancé took the tea bag, getting up from the table to loot for hot water.

Zossie leaned over from her position across the table "Is everything alright between you two?"

"Of course!" Ryanne fibbed, "Why do you ask?"

Zossie's white pupils dilated. "You two are fighting, but you're in love, right?"

Ryanne let out a quiet sigh. "Sometimes even people who love each other can disagree. I didn't want to drag you into this, I'm sorry."

Before Zossie could reply, Ryanne noticed Kira and Fleet had returned from their stroll down the sand. "You may want to put on more sunscreen, Fleet."

"I'm doing fine, why?" he replied in confusion.

"Your face is looking a little red, are you getting sunburnt?"

Kira covered her mouth, stifling a laugh at Ryanne's question. As soon as Kira saw the spread, she dashed to the table. "Aw hell yeah! Pinap juice!" As the azure-haired Trainer poured herself a cup of the sour and spicy juice, she noticed they were a member short. "Mallow didn't leave because of me, did she?"

Ryanne waved the thought out of Kira's mind, "She had to get some hot water for tea. Mallow's really into tea, I rarely see her drink anything else."

Next to Kira at the table, Fleet gently scolded Zossie. "You can't leave your Pyukumuku on the table, we have food here!"

"But Pyucumber's hungry too. Can't he sit with me?" She pleaded.

"Let him eat with the other Pokémon," Fleet mentored, "it'll help him adjust faster to spending time with the team."

A few moments later, Mallow returned with a large cup of steaming Roserade tea, taking her seat back next to Ryanne. The five Trainers began to eat in relative silence, no one wanting to strike up a topic due to the tension in the air. The first to finish, Ryanne took a reusable food container out of her cooler.

"Would anyone like a Spelon Berry Poképuff?" She attempted to break the ice.

Kira excitedly picked one from the container, "I've been meaning to get your ingredient ratios. Are they still as volcanic in flavor as the last time?"

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