Chapter 4: Rivals

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The sound of roaring water heralded the approach of Ryanne's old rival, Kaladin. She had first met him when she began her journey in the Kalos Region five years ago, but since then had taken separate paths. While Ryanne took her time making friends and raising her Pokemon with love and care, Kaladin had rushed through the Kalos Gyms, pushing his Pokemon to their limits and only using the team that stood the best chance competitively. Though Kaladin easily swept Ryanne in every competition, Ryanne had considered him a friend.

Disappointed with how easily he defeated the Kalos League's eight tests of mastery, Kaladin chose to journey to Hoenn, to prove once and for all he was a better trainer than Ryanne. In the meantime, Ryanne's team continued to grow until she gained the confidence to take on Kalo's Elite Four. The tests of skill, strength, and endurance were hard fought, making each victory worth the previous months of effort. After defeating all four of the League's Elite members, she earned the right to challenge Diantha, the Champion. The battle ended in a success, and since then the new champion roamed the region that stole her heart, mentoring new trainers like Paul and forging partnerships with new friends like Ozone.

As Kaladin's Ludicolo reached the shore, he leapt from the large aquatic bird, using his continued momentum to bridge the distance between himself and the sand. With a swift motion, he recalled the Water/Grass-type without even looking. Despite the unnecessary theatrics, the trainer's jump had still impressed Ryanne. "That's quite the fast Ludicolo you have there," she complemented. Kaladin didn't even look in her general direction, "Yes. Hoid's speed in the water is impressive."

The male trainer hadn't changed much since Ryanne crossed paths with him last. His short chestnut hair was topped by a dark blue fedora that matched a knee-length trench coat. He was extremely tall and slender like a sapling. Kaladin peeked out from under the rim of his hat, his eyes quickly scanning the girl across the beach from him. Though he stood fixed roughly 5 meters away from her, she could clearly make out his eyes briefly pausing at the height of her breasts before he momentarily grimaced. "Eww, gross," Ryanne thought, "he's barely matured."

"So..." she began, "how's it going?" The stoic trainer scoffed, staring judgmentally at Ryanne's Sylveon and Lucario who had resumed their playing in the water. He nodded his head in their direction, "those your Pokemon?" Ryanne frowned at her blown off question. "Yes, Kyu and Gaoruru are two of my Pokemon. Are you looking for someone?"

Kaladin flipped back his trench coat to reveal a line of miniatured Pokeballs attached to the lining. He pulled one from near the bottom before expanding the ball to full size. "Yeah, I heard a trainer I met back in Kalos was visiting his home. I remembered him saying he lived in Mauville City so I thought I'd drop by and show him that I can still wipe the floor with him."

"Him?" Ryanne realized, "he doesn't recognize me! He must not have caught word about my transition. God, he's still so cocky after all this time. He needs to be taken down a peg. Let's screw with him a bit and see how he likes it." Ryanne turned to her Pokemon who waited for her orders ever since she mentioned their names. She gave a wink and Kyu nodded knowingly. Returning Gaoruru to his ball, she addressed the other trainer. "Is that so? I'm not familiar with the area. I found a Secret Base at that boulder owned by a trainer named Ryan. Is that who you mean?"

The lie worked, Kaladin greedily stormed into the base. With his lengthy legs, the trainer hurdled over the makeshift maze of boxes and tables, not even bothering to attempt the fun gimmick. Swiping the silver flag displayed at the base's laptop, he turned around, clearing it again without effort. "What a disappointment," he complained, "he's not here. Maybe I can comeback tomorrow after I'm done."

Ryanne leaned against the wooden plank that made up the base's door. "That's too bad, where are you going?" Kaladin faced her in disgust. "Do you not recognize a Chatelain when you see one? I'm one the five most powerful trainers in the Hoenn Region!"

Pokemon Evolution: A fanfic for older Pokemon Fansحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن