Chapter 43: Answers

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On the screen of Ryanne's PokéNav Plus, Kira tightly pressed her hands to the sides of her face in reaction to the news she received. "Sweet Helix, that's a lot to take in all at once!"

"Right?" Ryanne said understandably. Between her and the screen, Kyu sat in her Trainer's lap, passively being brushed by Ryanne.

"So let me go over this one more time, just to get everything straight." Kira started. "Sometime during our practice for the Grand Showcase, Patches and Kyu made an egg. When you arrived back in Alola, you and Mallow had a fight, only for it to end when Kyu had her egg and you proposing on the same day?"

Ryanne shrugged "I've never been known for having good timing."

"Fair enough," Kira admitted. "So Mallow and you are engaged now, which is awesome by the way. You reconnected with your dad, and Fleet and Zossie are visiting Alola for a couple weeks."

Ryanne nodded. "Right, they're staying at Mallow's house, and she's staying with me."

Kira repeatedly raised her eyebrows, "Ooooh, you two in the love shack, huh? Smooth... So after all THAT, the egg didn't hatch, and you didn't call or message me for ANY of this?"

Ryanne played with the end of her ponytail. "I thought it best not to. Mallow was already resentful at the time because I was spending time with you instead of her. I figured talking with you about it would be like throwing gas on the fire."

Kira nodded thoughtfully, "No... I get it, I get it, and let me be clear, Patches and I do feel sorry for your loss. Right Buddy?" The Elesquirrel Pokémon on Kira's shoulder nodded in affirmation, looking not at Ryanne, but at Kyu. The Sylveon replied with a weak, but grateful smile. "There's only one problem with your story though. One nugget of information you left out," Kira said slyly.

"And what would that be?" Ryanne asked cautiously.

Grabbing her own tablet with both hands, Kira furiously shook her PokéNav Plus, violently distorting the image. "AM I INVITED TO YOUR WEDDING?!?!?!?!?"

Ryanne and Kyu laughed aloud at the overreaction. "Of course you are! If you didn't come, I'd have to have Fleet be my best man. He's a good friend, but I'm not nearly as close with him as I am with you."

Kira froze, taking a second to process the information she was just given. On her shoulder, Patches snickered as his Trainer's face dramatically shifted when realization dawned on her. "Wait a minute, wait a minute... You want me as your Maid of Honor?!?"

Ryanne's head tilted slightly to her left side, smiling warmly. "Of course I do! Kyu here will present the rings, and I want a close friend at my side for our big day."

Kira rubbed the unobscured side of her neck back and forth, her mouth contorting in unease. "Aren't you worried Mallow will get jealous about that?"

"I guess you could say she's fine with it? Besides, we're just friends, right? It's perfectly normal."

"Of course," Kira replied, before changing the subject. "So, what do you think about a do-over? Kyu and Patches I mean. Do you think she'd be okay with trying for another egg?" she asked enthusiastically.

Kyu's head dipped slightly, her expression clearly showing lost interest. Ryanne set down the brush, hugging her Sylveon closely. "I think she needs a little more time before she'd consider that."

Kira's expression faded, "Oh, of course. That makes sense. What about you two though. I know you and Mallow are both fairly young, but have you two talked at all about having your own?"

Ryanne's body language expressed disappointment. Kyu turned her attention to her Trainer, nuzzling her forehead into her Trainer's chin. "Even if I wanted that, it wouldn't work out."

"Because of your hormones' side effects?" Kira asked delicately.

"Partially yes," Ryanne confirmed, "the hormones' have nearly made me infertile. But also because I'll completely lose the ability entirely once I have *ahem* 'the surgery'."

"Were you planning to get laser for your eyes?" Kira asked confusedly.

The corner of Ryanne's cheek peaked upwards. "Not that. Let's be honest, these wire frames are here to stay, they give me character."

"Definitely!" Kira agreed.

"But I'm talking more about a different kind... To be honest, I'm still fairly hesitant about it, but I've been looking more into gender-affirming surgery."

Kira beamed with excitement. "That's wonderful! That you're looking into it I mean. I remember your discomfort with your form back in Ultra Space. You of course don't have to change if you don't want to, but it's a big change that I'm happy to hear you're looking into."

"Thank you," Ryanne said sheepishly. Even though she had been transitioning for a while, it still felt weird to her when she received support, especially after how little she had received from her parents in years past.

"So, back to our original topic, have you and Mallow set a date yet?"

"Not yet, we know not everyone will be able to make the day, but we wanted everyone who wanted to to be able to celebrate with us. We're going to host a big beach party in Alola in five days to celebrate our engagement, and we're hoping to have a date by then. Just us and our friends from all around the regions... we'd love to have you if you can make it."

Kira and Patches grinned enthusiastically, "We'll be there! Expect a grand entrance when we arrive!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Pokemon Evolution: A fanfic for older Pokemon FansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora