Chapter 37: Phoning Hoenn

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Author's Note: The following chapter contains strong language and some terms that may be considered slurs to some of us in the LGBT+ community. These terms are intended to show the nature of a particular character, not to condone such terminology. If such terminology offends you, please remember that *I* the author, a lesbian transwoman, have to deal with this everyday. That is all.

Pokémon Evolution Chapter 37: Phoning Hoenn

Ryanne sat anxiously at her small table in-front of her PokéNav Plus. Propped up by the smart tablet's stand, the screen displayed with retro lettering that her call was still ringing. The Trainer gently bit the corner of her lip, her hands absentmindedly playing with her auburn hair. Looking to her side, Ryanne looked to Mallow for support, receiving a warm smile and a thumbs up. 'I'm not alone, Mallow's here with me. Whatever happens, I'll still have her,' Ryanne thought. Even though Ryanne had made many friends during her journeys, and incorporated several Pokémon into her team, it still meant the world that she had a person here and now with her.

The tablet played an audio message indicating that Ryanne had reached an answering machine. Letting out a sigh, she prepared to give the back-up message for an instance such as this. "Hi Mother, Hi Dad, it's Ryanne here. I know we haven't talked in awhile, and I'm sorry I haven't tried to keep in better touch. I was hoping you'd pick up, I have some really big news I was hoping to share. Anyway, I guess I'll try calling back later, hope to-"

Before Ryanne could finish her sentence, the screen blinked to reveal the face of Ryanne's Dad. His eyes looked tired, he was probably worn from his job teaching at his local Pokémon school. His face wore a reassured smile. "Oh good. Sweetie, I got you."

"Hey Dad, good to see you again." Ryanne said awkwardly. 'Sweetie?' she thought, 'he's never called me THAT before.' From the sidelines, Mallow could feel the tension between them.

"It's been a long time, how have you been?" Ryanne's father asked. He rested a hand on his neck to rub it.

"Dad, we don't have to have this awkward small talk if you don't want to." Ryanne said rather bluntly. "There's a rather large Donphan that I think we need to discuss. I didn't plan on doing this now, but it's clear things are still weird between us."

Ryanne's father scratched the back of his head with a hand. "Whatever do you mean Sweetie?"

Ryanne was starting to lose patience. She was an extremely patient woman, but she didn't have time for his games. "Cut the crap Dad. The last time I called, was when I came out. It was awkward as hell then, and it hasn't gotten better. I even flew out all the way from Kalos just to see you two, and you two left like immature little children." The syllables shot out of her mouth like embers, the word 'children' feeling as sharp as the pain she had felt nearly two years ago. "You two left me in the living room of my childhood home, sobbing because I thought you didn't love me anymore. I felt like such SHIT that I even lashed out at one of my most beloved Pokémon. You two were lucky that Grandpa was there to calm me down, or who knows? Maybe I would've burnt the place down! Do you realize how much pain you put me in?" From off camera, Mallow reached out to take Ryanne's hand, which she gave willingly. Ryanne's pulse twitched erratically, she was clearly caught up in a mix of emotions right now.

"I-I know. You deserve to be mad. I didn't want to leave, but I was given an... ultimatum." Her father's face read that of shame. "I've been a unsupportive father to you. I wasn't there when you received your first Pokémon, I didn't check in with you often enough, I didn't support you when you let us into an important new direction in your life, and I should have called you sooner. I don't even know why you're even talking to me." His eyes started to water, "Please Ryanne, can you forgive me?"

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