Chapter 53: Guiding Star

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Previously, on Pokémon Evolution:

"Kenny said... that Miss Mallow had it." Ryanne released her hold on Darkrai's hands, covering her mouth. "I-I tried to warn you Mistress."


"It's been days... And she's had it this whole time? Here I felt bad about leaving the house to cool my head, and she's still doing THIS?"


Home was where the hurt was. But Kyu, Kenny, Darkrai, Mettaton, and her other Pokémon? They would always be her family.

Pokémon Evolution Chapter 53:

Guiding Star

"It hurts Kyu. It hurts so much," Ryanne's throat and eyes burned, and her heart felt shattered into shards.

"Veon. Syl-vie-vie," The Fairy-type crooned, resting her head under her Trainer's chin.

"I gave her so many chances. I suffered for so many of my own mistakes. Just once, I want her to suffer."

Darkrai rested a calming hand on their Trainer's shoulder. "Mistress, you know revenge isn't the answer. Nothing good can come from acting on your anger."

"I can think of one thing..." Ryanne's voice bitterly replied. "And all of this over a stupid rock? Jennette said only I could decide whether I 'loved' Mallow or was 'in love with' Mallow. I think I finally found an answer." The Trainer held out the hand which held the stone Kira gave her, staring at it in the pale light of Kenny's small horns. "Was it worth it Mallow? It's just a rock. It doesn't even do anything...

"Sylveon, Syl-vie!" Kyu said dismissively, reaching out with her feelers to take the stone from her.

Vvwom! Vvwom! Vvwom! The stone began to thrum in Ryanne's hand. Vvwom! Vvwom! Vvwom! Kyu pulled back her feeler in surprise, only for the thrumming to stop.

"Kyu, what did you do?" Ryanne asked, jaw agape.

"Sylvie-vie," the Sylveon whispered back, equally amazed.

"Touch it again!" Ryanne encouraged her. Kyu reached back out to touch the pale pink gem, and the thrumming started again. As the thrums grew louder and faster, a soft light began to glow from within. "I think I can see something inside. A Revive? Wait, no. It can't be."

Cracks spread like water ripples over the stone before, bit-by-bit, fragments fell away. Sitting glittering in Ryanne's hand and Kyu's feelers was a glittering pink rhombus with an emblem within resembling a ribbon tied into a bow.

"A Z-Crystal?" Darkrai whispered, amazed.

"It looks like a Fairium-Z," Ryanne observed, "but the emblem inside... Looks more like-"

"Sylveon!" Kyu cried out in joy.

Ryanne carefully examined the Z-Crystal. "It would have to be activated by a Fairy-type move. Hyper Voice and Heal Bell won't work because their actually Normal-type moves. Your ability, Pixilate, just shifts them to Fairy. Right Kyu?" The Sylveon nodded her head in affirmation. "We don't know what this new Z-Move will do though. It could boost your stats, it could deal massive damage, anything! Heck, it could turn you purple for all we know."

"Me-ta. Gross. Gross." Ryanne's Metagross groaned, still bracing the debris above them.

"Mettaton says the wreckage is stable enough to return them," Darkrai translated. Ryanne acknowledged, returning the Iron Leg Pokémon. Though the scrap shifted slightly, the Trainer and her Pokémon were still safe from harm. Ryanne drew quiet, staring at the Z-Crystal. "Is something wrong Mistress?" Darkrai asked.

"I'm skeptical about this Z-Move Darkrai. I want to return you and Kenny to keep you protected, but I don't want to be alone in the darkness."

"Sylvie-vie!" Kyu piped up.

The Pitch-Black Pokémon covered their mouth to stifle a laugh. "Kyu is right you know. As long as you have us, you are never truly alone."

Ryanne choked back more tears before replacing the Ghostium-Z on her Z-Ring with the new Z-Crystal in her hand. She reached into her bag to extract Darkrai and Kenny's Pokéballs. "I know... thank you my friend." The Trainer breathed in deeply before exhaling slowly. "Alright, I'm ready!"

"No matter what happens, Mistress, We will see you on the other side," assured the Dark-type. Ryanne could almost swear she saw a smile forming on Darkrai's normally featureless face. With two flashes of light, Darkrai and Kenny returned to their Pokéballs, plunging Ryanne and Kyu into the void.

"Kyu, this Z-Crystal is special, I think it might be the only one of its kind. We forged this Z-Crystal together through the power of our bond. Before I activate it, I just wanted to say 'Thank you for everything... I love you.'"

"Ve-on!" the Fairy-type reciprocated in the utter blackness.

Ryanne activated her Z-Ring and the new crystal began to glow and thrum again. A voice swirled in her head, one she had never heard before. "You know the words," it said, "now give it direction."

"Kyu," Ryanne called out as the voice repeated itself again and again in her mind, "think of the happiest place that you can. A place of love, a place of joy, a place where no one will hurt us!"

"Sylveon!" she replied.

"Let those who would harm us be burned by our light! Be the guiding star that leads us to a new path! Z-Move activate: 'Intertwining Embrace!'"

Kyu's ribbon-like feelers erupted with moonlight, extending wider and longer than Ryanne had ever seen before. As the feelers wrapped around Pokémon and Trainer into a great luminous cocoon, Ryanne knelt to hug Kyu tightly. "A place of love, a place of joy," she repeated. And with that, the duo disappeared in a wink.

— Meanwhile, in the Johto Region —

"Sweetheart," called Keith, "can you take out this recycling for me?"

"Sure thing Dad!" his daughter said, slipping on her shoes to carry out the small bucket of flattened cans. In the alleyway behind their small house, Kira glanced at what her father had to toss out. "Geez Dad, you really need to cut back on the Roggenrola Cola," she griped, only to drop the bucket entirely. A brilliant blue ball of light appeared before her, touching down onto the alleyway before her. As the light faded, it began to peel itself apart like the skin of a Chesto Berry, revealing two familiar figures.

"Ryanne? Kyu? Is that you?"


To Be Continued...

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