Chapter 22: Launch

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Author's Note: The following chapter contains violence and profanity. Reader's digression is advised. 

 In an unfamiliar world, Ultra Wormholes opened up side-by-side, as Lunala and Solgaleo rode through. The two Celestial Emissaries came to a halt so their passengers could disembark. Again together for the first time since they split in Ultra Deep Sea, the six Trainers stopped to rest and share stories of what they had seen and done. This world was alien for sure, but not as bizarre as some of the other places they had seen. The walls of pits stretching two to three meters tall dotted the landscape, and occasionally jade green pillars jutted from the center of one.

With help from his Arcanine, Paul scaled up one of the pits. That pit and several around it only appeared to extend a few feet down.

"With formations like this," Kaladin explained, "either there is a lot of volcanic activity, or the top soil in this area is very thin, so meteors don't make much of an impact." At that moment, a wheesh of steam burst from a crack near his boot, knocking Kaladin backwards slightly. The group chuckled lightly after making sure he was unharmed.

"Maybe both?" Paul suggested, "The insides look somewhat scorched. If this place has meteor showers AND volcanoes, I don't feel very safe here." Werdna and Lilith nodded in agreement. Unbeknown to any of the Trainers, they had a 7th among their ranks, the girl not of their world, Zossie. She knew from first hand experience that THIS world wasn't safe.

Zossie's cloaking device kept her hidden as she spied on Ryanne, Kaladin, Kira, and the three Trainers unknown to her. In the corner of her helmet's visor, an icon indicated that all she saw was being transmitted back to her headquarters. The three unknown Trainers appeared to be friends with the people she followed through the wormhole, though if she was caught, Zossie was unsure if she could handle six Pokemon Trainers and each of their Pokemon.

Beside them, Lunala and Solgaleo rested up for their next leg of the journey. Zossie stared in awe. Being this close to the Bringer of the Moon was exciting enough, but the Devourer of the Sun as well? She HAD to tell The Captain her news! Making her way out of earshot, but still within surveillance distance, Zossie attempted to radio her headquarters.

"Hello?" Responded a young adult voice that Zossie instantly recognized.

"Dulse! Patch me through to Phyco!" She was bursting at the seems.

Dulce's response sounded jaded. "For the last time Cadet, these are Ultra Recon Squad airwaves. If you are going to communicate on them, you have to stick to protocol."

"What are you going to do? Snitch on me to Soliera?" Zossie teased. She never grew up with any siblings, but Dulse was the closest thing she had to a brother... if only he wasn't such a stickler for the rules.

Dulse sighed, knowing him, he was probably rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Do you want to speak to the Captain or not?"

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine... This is Cadet Zossie to Lieutenant Dulse. Can you patch me through to Captain Phyco - please? I'm calling on his orders." though still cloaked, Zossie crossed her arms in annoyance at having to follow such dull protocol.

"That's better. I'm connecting you now." Dulse's tone sounded smugly pleased. A chime in Zossie's helmet headset indicated she was being transferred.

"Greetings! This is Zossie, I presume?" came the familiar, elderly voice of the Ultra Recon Squad's Captain, Phyco.

Zossie could barely contain herself. "Captain! I have amazing news, the people I told you about, with the Bringer of the Moon? They met up with allies of theirs, and they have a Devourer of the Sun with them!"

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