Chapter 29: The Grand Showcase Part 2 (Collab with MoFlame)

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Author's note: The following chapter is part 2 of 3 of a collaboratively written miniseries with my good friend MoFlame. I greatly recommend that you check out more of her awesome work on her Wattpad page here:

Kira, Ryanne, and the other Grand Showcase contestants waited in the dark behind the massive drawn curtains. Kira adjusted the small hat that matched her gown so it was clipped onto her head at a tilt, and tugged at the hem of her fingerless opera gloves in anticipation. Ryanne closed her eyes, inhaling deeply in deep focus. "Hey, you've got this," Kira reassured her, giving a firm nod, "We both practiced really hard."

Ryanne turned her head up to make eye contact. "Thanks, we're both going to blow them away!"

A great spotlight peered through the crack between the mobile drapes, illuminating the event's host on the other side of the stage. "Bonjour mon chers!" announced the taller, slender gentleman in an asymmetric black and blue suit. "Welcome to ze Goldenrod City Grand Showcase! Zis event marks ze 100th Showcase for zis venue, and, to celebrate, we have welcomed performers from all over to give you all an amazing show. Hailing all ze way from ze Kalos Region, I am your humble host, Monsieur Pierre. I just have one question for you all: Are you ready to be dazzled?" The crowd erupted in cheering and applause. "Alright, mon chers, it is time. Performers, Here. We. Go!" The colossal red curtained parted, flooding the competitors with limelight. Zhe Grand Showcase had officially begun!

Ryanne blinked the blinding spotlight out of her eyes to get a better look at the audience. Hundreds of people crowded the stands, some even standing on the sides, and she knew there were hundreds more viewing from home through the cameras that were pointed at them. Her breathing hitched and her knees felt weak-- until Kyu bound her hand tightly with one of her feelers. Ryanne reached back to twist her ponytail in her other hand, an old nervous habit, only to be reminded that she was wearing her down for once. Taking a deep breath, she knew that this wasn't any different than a large Pokemon battle; all these people were cheering, clapping, and waving their glow sticks for the performers and for her. With the renewed bout of confidence, she smiled broadly and began waving at the crowd, which sent up cheers all around.

Looking over, she saw that Kira, who had been fidgeting with all aspects of her outfit beforehand, seemed to have easily pushed aside any stagefright to wave and twirl, yelling and whooping at the audience. Many of the other contestants chose to wear bright-colored or themed outfits, but the Johto-native had been adamant about her selection: A strapless obsidian ball gown that clung to her bosom and torso tightly before belling out around her hips into a voluminous skirt, coming to a stop just below her knees. Blue trim that matched her long, curled hair adorned the dress at the hem of the skirt, in two lines of asymmetrical teeth over the front of the skirt, and at the top of the bodice. She had accessorised with black, fingerless opera gloves with the same blue trim at the hem of the sleeves, a small black top hat with a blue flower on the side, a necklace of blue-colored pearls, and completed with a classic pair of strappy black heels. At her sides were Diana and Espeon who twirled and waved at the crowd, and Ryanne was surprised to find that their darker color-sets coordinated well with Kira's outfit. And, last but not least, Patches jumped across Kira's bare shoulders, his white-and-blue fur matching Kira's hair and complexion. Whatever could be said about Kira's personalized style, she coordinated her Pokemon well.

'Should I have my other two Pokémon out too?' Ryanne thought, 'No no. Kira's done several of these, the crowd comes for her AND her Pokémon. I'm the newcomer, better play it safe with just Kyu.' Almost as if she could read her Trainer's mind, Ryanne's Sylveon beamed up at her with an encouraging glow.

After an appropriate amount of crowd-pleasing, Monsieur Pierre's voice one again came over the speakers. "Alright mon chers, first up, we will have our Styling round. Our judges have hand picked a variety of items, some common, others unusual. Each of our 8 contestants will have to accessorize one of their Pokémon with at least four different items, and ze six zat wow our judges ze most will move on to ze next round!" A platform shifted out from under the stage to reveal a large selection of items on a large table. Its appearance reminded Ryanne of something she saw in a cooking show once. "Beautiful contestants, you have 10 minutes on ze clock starting... NOW!"

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