Chapter 72: Milady

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"Kiiira... Kiiira." Gentle hands punctuated the honeyed whisper, slowly stirring the azure-haired Trainer from her sleep.

Wrapped in blankets, and the 'little spoon' in her bed, Kira was too comfortable to wake up now. "Mmmmmm-Go away." she muttered in her half-sleep.

"Kiiira. Wake up, I have a big surprise for you."

The coordinator groaned, dragging her hands down her face and cracking her eyes open. "It's dark still," Kira complained.

"Very astute, but we have to get up now," Ryanne whispered. "Please, for me?"

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!" Kira groaned again.

"Great! Get a robe or jacket on, I don't want you catching cold."

Kira felt the shifting of weight on her bed, the hot water bottle that was her girlfriend no longer next to her. Angling her head backwards, she caught a glimpse of Ryanne's behind slipping out the door.

Rolling on to her back, Kira stretched her arms as far as they would go, swiveling her forearms and articulating her wrists to increase circulation. At the foot of her bed, Kyu and Patches lay curled up and still asleep, Kari cuddled between them.

A warm smile crept up Kira's cheeks. Despite what Ryanne had told her a while back, part of her still hoped there was a chance they could maybe have one of their own someday. It was a minuscule chance at this point, like winning the lottery, but Kira didn't want to give up hope just yet.

She pulled a black shawl from one of her drawers. The texture of the crocheted fibers felt pleasant as she ran her fingers along the edge. A simple button and loop secured the front of the garment in place as she quietly slipped her shoes on and stepped into the hallway.

"Ryanne? Where are you?"

Kira's question was answered by a rattle from downstairs. Step-after-step, she padded down the stairs, smirking when she leveled out and the first thing she saw was Ryanne munching on a pickle.

"You know, we have other food in the house besides pickles," she teased.

Ryanne swallowed the briny chunk, a soft chuckle escaping from her closed lips. "Well unless you have any olives or garlic, I'll just have to settle for my fourth favorite food."


The auburn-haired Trainer made a long step to close the gap between them. With the albedo of the kitchen's light on her face, Kira could see her own reflection in the lenses of Ryanne's glasses.

Stealing a kiss, Ryanne turned on a dime before taking another nibble of pickle. "And that was my number one."

A rosé airbrushing dusted Kira's cheeks. "I'm your...?"

Taking Kira's hand delicately in her own, Ryanne gently pulled Kira into the chilly Johtonian night. Without needing to look where she went, Ryanne walked backwards as she lead Kira with one hand while another hand held a small basket she picked up before leaving.

"What ARE you planning Darling?" Kira asked in wonder.

"Just thought I'd surprise you by taking the lead, Milady."

"Milady?!?" Kira's expression rapidly turned into one of concern. "You're not planning something like THAT are you?"

Ryanne's cheeks perked up with a silent laugh. "I love you Kira, but I'm no exhibitionist. I just take great satisfaction from calling you 'Milady', it's fitting for someone of your grace and wit. C'mon now, we're just about there."

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