Chapter 18: Bad Dreams and a Nightmare

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Author's Note: If you've noticed, Darkrai avoids using contractions and uses the honorifics of Mistress and Master where appropriate. In my headcanon, Darkrai is kind of the "straight man" among Ryanne's team, the "only sane man in the nuthouse" if you will. While other characters may act serious, such as Kyu acting as the team mom, Darkrai's personality is more straight-laced and professional on the surface. This chapter peeks at the "man behind the curtain", so to speak. 

 The thrown stone struck, causing the Nihilego to contort to face Lillie. It raced with previously unseen speed at her, its eyeless face stretching its mouth wide as it lunged towards its Trainer in fury.

Without thinking, Ryanne's hand blinked to the Key Stone pendant she wore as a necklace. Ryanne had so much practice with Mega Evolution that she didn't even need to focus on the transformation as prismatic light enveloped Mettaton.

The energy accelerated the genes within Ryanne's Metagross, igniting spontaneous growth. The quadrupedal Pokemon sprouted four more legs, the hind four arranging like the jets of a rocket, and the front four manifesting massive claws like a construction excavator. The silver cross dividing Mettaton's face tinted a brilliant gold, and a sharp horn jutted out from their chin. After only a mere fraction of a second of transformation, the light shattered away, revealing the Mega Evolved Pokemon.

"Mettaton, Meteor Mash!" Ryanne commanded without hesitation.

A roar like a speeding locomotive tore through the Mount Lanakila cavern. The sound alone sent loose dirt and debris tumbling from the ceiling, the shockwave of the collision sent even more earth flying in all directions. Mettaton had rocketed across the room, slamming into Cteno with the full force of its four front legs. A limp Cteno hurtled through the air, rag dolling when it hit the cavern wall.

Ryanne's ears rang as she coughed and struggled to see from the dust upheaved from the blow. Stumbling towards where she last saw Lillie, she reeled in horror to find she had been too late. The grisly scene of her friend's mutilated corpse twisted her stomach. She looked to Mettaton in desperation, only to revile at the sight of the Steel and Psychic type savagely devouring its victim. The Iron Leg Pokemon's eyes shifted to gaze at its Trainer with bloodthirst. "No... no no no no NOOOOOOO!!!" she screamed as the beast lunged.


Ryanne's eyes flew open as she threw her body upwards from sleeping. Her eyes were bloodshot, her heart pounded, a cold sweat snaked down her neck and back. Breathes were shallow and rapid. THAT nightmare... again? Steadily, her breathing began to slow, and Ryanne could finally peel her hand from her no longer jackhammering heart. She was in her room in Paniola Town, the sliver of world visible outside her closed curtains revealing that it was still dark out. Her eyes began to scan the room, only to find that she wasn't alone. An icy blue eye stared back from the room's corner, causing Ryanne's heart to skip a beat before recognizing the it. The Trainer reached over to flick on the lamp on the nightstand, revealing the Pitch-Black Pokemon.

"Darkrai?" she said surprised, "What are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

The wraith-like Pokemon floated closer, its grim voice telepathically entering her mind. "I am fine. Are YOU okay?"

Ryanne defensively pulls up the bed covers a couple inches, "Of course I am, why do you ask?"

The one visible blue eye squinted slightly. "Do not lie. You had THAT dream again."

Her voice cracked in response "W-what dream?"

"The one where you are too late to save your friend and Mettaton kills you. You have had the nightmare every night for the past three weeks." Ryanne shifted uncomfortably from her position in bed, Darkrai hit the nail right on the head. "You feel guilty for Cteno's death. Why? It was not your fault it went mad. It was not your fault that Mettaton's strike so easily killed it. You saved Lillie's life, yet you torture yourself... why?"

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