Chapter 63: Reunion

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Pokémon Evolution Chapter 63:


Their ordeal with Cresselia over, Ryanne double-checked, once again, that everything she and her Pokémon needed was in her basket.

"Alright Ozone, we're ready. Kyu and I will meet you at Kira's place, okay?"

The Drifblim crooned with disappointment.

"I know. I'm sorry you can't come with us buddy, but we need someone reliable to carry my luggage to Johto. If I strapped all of this to 'Sim' and took a boat, the trip would take all day. I learned that the first time I went to Johto. It's just a couple hours by air. Tell you what? I promise that when you arrive, I'll make you some fresh marshmallows! I know those are your favorite."

Ozone bounced in the air happily, flapping his four, thin arms a few times before lifting off with Ryanne's basket in tow.

Kyu stood at Ryanne's feet, the egg incubator held in of her two feelers while the other two gently wrapped around her Trainer's wrists. "Ready Kyu?" Ryanne asked, her left hand preparing to activate her Z-Crystal.


"That's what I like to hear," she smiled. "I'm not sure if your Z-Move will work the same this time, but my gut tells me it will work... Just in case though, I should probably say the whole thing and not just the name of the Z-Move." Ryanne cleared her throat before activating the Z-Ring. "Let those who would harm us be burned by our light! Be the guiding star that leads us to a new path! Z-Move activate: 'Intertwining Embrace!'"

Just as before, luminescent feelers of energy extended from the bows on Kyu's head and at her neck, wrapping Trainer, Pokémon, and egg container in a cocoon that shone like the moon.

Moments later, Ryanne and Kyu's cocoon faded, placing them once again, in the back alley behind Kira and Keith's home. "Nice work Starshine." Ryanne complemented with a smile.

Right as the Trainer was about to knock, the back door to Kira's home flew open, startling Ryanne and Kyu. "I knew it was you!" Kira screamed excitedly.

"H-How did you...?" started a confused Ryanne.

"I heard the sound of you teleporting in," Kira explained, "it sounded just like it did last time." Kira lunged forward, holding Ryanne tightly in her arms. "I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you terribly."

Ryanne's cheeks flushed as the words she had been pondering over the last few days finally took their course. "I'm sorry that I made you wait so long. It took me longer than I'm proud to admit, but I think I finally know what I want."

"What do you want?" Kira said skeptically, breaking the hold.

With her thumb and forefinger, Ryanne gently took hold of Kira's chin, angling it up slightly as Ryanne leaned in, placing a lingering kiss on her lips. Kira inhaled sharply in surprise before her body relaxed and she leaned into it.

Their lips broke for just a moment as Ryanne looked into Kira's eyes, exhaling "You."

To Be Continued...

Pokemon Evolution: A fanfic for older Pokemon FansDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora