Chapter 64: Bi the Way

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*Author's Note: Have you stopped screaming yet?*

Pokémon Evolution Chapter 64:

Bi The Way

"Kira, Sweetie?" Keith's voice rang out from within the apartment, "Is everything alright?"

With reluctance, the azure-haired Trainer peeled Ryanne off of her mouth, gently intercepting with a free hand. "Yeah Dad, go ahead and keep watching the movie without me. I'll watch the rest later," Kira called back in return.

Turning back to the taller woman who appeared on her doorstep, Kira uncovered Ryanne's mouth. "Okay, that will keep him occupied for about another hour," Kira whispered. "How's it going 'friend'?"

"Just a friend?" Ryanne asked skeptically. "Isn't this what you wanted? Wasn't it you who suggested we pop off to Kanto together, and see where it takes us?"

Kira's face briefly glowed with a nostalgic smile. "Yes, yes, and I'm very excited that you accepted my. I just didn't expect you to move forward this fast. You've been less... enthusiastic in the past."

"Let's just say it's been a while."

Kira smirked, "It looks like it. I wasn't expecting you to show up on my doorstep and plant a kiss on me come day 1. I thought I'd have to-" she paused for a moment to laugh at the irony.

"To what?"

"Call me crazy, but I thought I'd have to 'win you'." Kira said, seeing how Ryanne would react.

The Hoenn-native chuckled at Kira's tongue-in-cheek reference. "Not that I don't mind the intimacy of sharing a welcome mat with you, Kira, but why are we still standing outside?"

"I'm thinking of what to tell my dad." Kira replied, rubbing her temples with her forefingers.

Ryanne cocked a brow, "What? You can't tell him that we decided to go on a walkabout around Kanto to see if we'd actually make it together? He's knows about Kyu and Patches, right?"

Kira's tone turned serious."He knows about them, yes. As for 'us', it isn't that easy... My dad-he... He doesn't know I'm Bi yet."

Ryanne's eyes swelled in surprise. "Seriously? You never told him? I mean, you don't have to come out to your family, but it never came up?"

"I've only ever dated guys before," Kira explained before her eyes shifted away in partial shame. "I didn't know I even liked ladies until, well... I reconnected with you." Kira paused for a moment to allow Ryanne to absorb what she had just heard. "When you stayed here when we performed in the Showcase, the only reason my dad was okay with you sleeping in the same room as me was because he thought I was straight."

"Yeah, it's kinda weirdly eye-opening when you discover you're Bi... or more" Ryanne grinned, thinking back to the festival in Hoenn. "But that's a story I can tell you later. I have something more important to show you," Ryanne announced, realizing she had been neglecting her closest companion.

Taking a step to the side, Ryanne gestured to Kyu, who had been exercising the patience of a Meditite. The Intertwining Pokémon held up her egg incubator with pride, bearing a toothy grin. "Sylvie!" Kyu exclaimed.

Kira crouched to stroke Kyu along the back of her head and neck. "Hello to you too Kyu! You look so radiant with that egg. I'm sure Patches will be happy to see both of you." Kira glanced up at Ryanne for a moment, as if to reassure Ryanne that she meant her.

"So... how do you want to play this?" Ryanne asked.

Kira bit the side of her lower lip in thought. "Looks like you packed pretty light. I take it your Drifblim is freighting your gear over?" Ryanne nodded. "Good, you two can hang out in my room with Patches and Espy for a bit until he arrives. I'll tell my dad that you're visiting for a couple days, and that I just forgot to tell him until now. When... what's your Drifblim's name again?"


"Oh, that's right! When Ozone arrives, we'll sneak you back downstairs, saying you arrived." Kira grinned, placing her hands on her hips, assure of her plan. "We'll keep things casual when he's around, and when I feel the time is right, I'll tell him everything."

"Sounds good," Ryanne said, placing a quick peck on Kira's cheek.

Ryanne and Kyu waited quietly outside while Kira checked to make sure the coast was clear. Waving them in, Kira led Ryanne and Kira through the kitchen, past the entrance to the living room, and up the stairs.

Kira gently twisted her bedroom room's door handle, opening it enough for Ryanne and Kyu to slip in before closing it behind them.

Tiptoeing downstairs, Kira poked her head in the living room. "Hey, Dad?" Keith was gone. "Dad?" she called, poking her head in their cluttered garage-turned-workshop. Again, gone. "Dad?" she looked around frantically, returning to the kitchen.

"He's up here!" Ryanne called from upstairs. "Also, he knows I'm here... sorry."

The azure-haired Trainer raced up the flight of stairs to find her father in the hallway and Ryanne in her bedroom's doorway. Upon seeing Kira, Ryanne looked Kira in the eyes, making a cheek-rubbing gesture. "Dad!" Kira beamed, attempting to feign innocence, "What are you doing up here?"

Keith ran a hand through his grey hair, "Hey Sweetie, I just came upstairs to get something, and poked my head in your room to check on you. You can imagine my surprise when the girl I discovered wasn't you."

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you Ryanne was coming. Is it okay if she stays a few days?"

Keith gave a hearty laugh, "I don't see why not, though I don't think I'm at liberty to turn her away."

"What makes you say that Dad?" Kira asked nervously.

Taking a rag from his overalls, Keith reached out, wiping Kira's cheek, only to pull his hand back with a splotch of soft pink coloring the fabric. Rotating his broad torso, Keith held the rag towards Ryanne's mouth, showing Kira that the splotch matched Ryanne's lips.

Ryanne held a palm to her face. "I tried to warn you", she groaned.

Kira began to laugh nervously, her eyes shifting from her father to Ryanne and back before finally stopping on Keith. "Dad, there's something I've been meaning to tell you..."

To Be Continued...

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