Chapter 52: Crushed

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Previously, on Pokémon Evolution:

"I just wish we found the necklace Kira gave me. I feel plain awful that it went missing."


"I just can't deal with Mallow right now. I'm going to grab a ferry to Po Town and see if I can get some work done."


"We'll let Nanu take care of him." Ryanne said. "Basil can't hurt us now that his Golem is knocked out."

"Not knocked out, just dazed." Basil laughed. "Use Explosion!"

Pokémon Evolution Chapter 52:


"Mistress? Mistress? Are you awake?" The familiar voice of Darkrai filled Ryanne's head. The Trainer thought she opened her eyes, but she wasn't so sure if they were open. The world around her was void of any light save for a single blue circle, which she assumed was Darkrai's eye.

"I. Think?-hrrrk! Hrrrk!" Ryanne's throat felt aflame, and so did the back of her head.

Though the Pokémon spoke telepathically, Ryanne could heard a tone of concern in their voice. "Do not try to speak Mistress. There is too much dirt and smoke in the air."

The Trainer coughed into her sleeve, holding it to her mouth like a filter. "It burns to breathe," she spoke with her mind, "I need Kenny to clear the air. What happened here?"

"You have suffered a concussion and are bleeding." Darkrai informed her. "Basil's Golem used Explosion in close quarters. We are lucky to be alive, but we were buried in the rubble."

"Hrrrk!" Ryanne coughed hard again before her mind's voice returned. "We'll worry about that in a minute. I need air and I need light. Can you find Kenny's ball in this mess?"

"Yes Mistress." The pinpoint of blue light faded, as Darkrai's wraith-like form slipped through the rubble.

While she waited, Ryanne gingerly held a hand to the back of her head. 'Gah, that hurts' she thought, inhaling sharply before coughing into her sleeve again. "Darkrai?" She struggled to shout into the murky air.

The glow of the Dark-type's eye returned moments later. "I said not to speak!" they telepathically chastised her. "I found two balls. You dropped them when we landed."

"Oh, that's right! My reflexes grabbed Kenny and Mettaton's Pokéballs. So THAT's why I thought of her right away."

Darkrai's eye bobbed, probably from nodding. "Good, good." Their ghastly voice rasped in her mind, "Your short term memory is returning. Here, this is Kenny's ball."

Ryanne felt the capture device press into her hand. Inhaling slowly through the filter of her hoodie sleeve, Ryanne prepared her lungs to speak in the polluted air. A brief flash of light from the Pokéball filled the void before being swallowed by shadows again. "Whim?" The Windveiled Pokémon peeped in confusion.

"Kenny use Defog," Ryanne commanded before covering her mouth with the sleeve again.

In the utter blackness, the Trainer heard Kenny inflate before releasing a strong gust of wind that tore through the area. Lowering her sleeve, Ryanne inhaled deeply, finally able to breathe clearly again. "Great work girl! Can you use Flash for us?"

"Cott!" Kenny responded, as her tiny green horns slowly began to glow. Soon, the soft light filled the room... or what was left of it.

"My-my office," Ryanne tripped with a lump in her throat. "No, no. I can't think about that now. I have to worry about getting out of this scrap heap first." She held Kenny to her chest, smothering some of the light, while pointing Mettaton's ball above her. "Mettaton, fortress formation."

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