Chapter 14: Gogoats on the Road

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Author's Note: The following chapter was written in a more "interview style" because I wanted to try something new. If that bothers you, just pretend it's oddly formatted dialogue.

The early days of summer circulated warmth like a convection oven across the Alola Region, but while most Alolans kept cool at the beach or in the air-conditioned shops, there was still work to be done for Alola's Trial Captains. After just over a year abroad, the Alolan Champion was returning home, and each Island Trial had to be in tip-top shape. Mallow and her Pokemon diligently labored to spruce up the Lush Jungle, clearing dead vegetation, removing litter left behind by Trial goers, and hiding items for the contestants to find during their Trial. All the refuse collected was piled into a single mound for Mallow's Shiinotic to consume. The team's work would have gone along fine on their own, but help from Ryanne and her team sped up the process. After Mallow's Tsareena had toppled a shell of a tree with a Trop Kick, the couple dragged the hollowed log a few yards to bridge a gully. Kenny, Ryanne's Whimsicott, placed Leech Seeds at each end of the log, binding the crossing down. After the joint group finished their chore, berries were harvested from the Lush Jungle trees and the two trainers cooked up a meal for everyone to share.

As they sat down to eat, a man around Ryanne's age stumbled through a large brush. The figure wore a black shirt and pants with a matching black fedora and sunglasses. His path through the thick underbrush was unconventional, with the official path to the Trial's entrance only a short distance away. A Kanto Persian trailed behind the ebony-clad figure, it's expression of disgust towards the jungle humidity mirroring Ryanne's Lycanroc they first time she arrived at the Trial Site. The trainer attempted to straighten themselves out, brushing and preening their outfit and curly black hair, to no avail. No matter what he tried, he continued to look ruffled. The trainer and his Persian awkwardly waved as they approached the table, and he pulled a notebook and pen from his also black satchel. Taking an interest in the newcomer to her Trial Site, Mallow greeted the Trainer.

"Hello sir, I'm Mallow the Trial Captain here. Can I help you?"

"Umm, yes actually." the raven man stuttered, still half-attempting to unruffled himself. "I'm looking for you to be exact. You can call me Luke, I'm a traveling blogger. I was wondering if I could as you some questions for an article series on the Alolan Trial Captains?"

Mallow excitedly grabbed the man's hand, shaking it vigorously. "Of course you can! No use talking on an empty stomach though, come over and join us!" As Luke joined the couple and their Pokemon at the picnic table, Ryanne estimated that Luke stood about a foot shorter than her, and about an inch shorter and Mallow. His Persian lounged next to Kyu and Mallow's Tsareena, gratefully accepting a portion of assorted berries from the hoard. After the group's ate wholeheartedly, Ryanne and Kyu collected some lake water to clean the few dishes they brought. Luke took out a tape recorder, opened his notebook, jotted down a line or two, turning with great interest to Mallow. The Trial Captain's verdant eyes sparkled with the same enthusiasm she held for life, one of Ryanne's favorite qualities about her.

"So Mallow, I'm on special assignment from the travel blog 'Gogoats on the Road'. I've been around the Alola Region, interviewing each Trial Captain I can. Many trainers and tourists around the world view the Trial Captains like celebrities, so I'm looking to get the inside scoop on Alolan life from the people whose opinions 'really matter'."

Mallow grimaced slightly from the writer's word choice. "To be honest Luke, my opinion doesn't matter more than any other trainers'. Sure, I've lived on Alola all my life, and I have a minor position of authority here, but that doesn't mean a neighbor or friend's opinions are less valid."

Luke slowly nodded in agreement, "you're very right, I appreciate your honesty. Would you mind then if your friend joined us too then?" Ryanne's head snapped up from rinsing a cup, water dripping on Kyu's head a little. The Sylveon's long ribbon-like feelers flicked off what didn't get absorbed into her fine fur.

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