Chapter 78: Insurgence (Part 2)

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(Author's note: Parts of this chapter occur simultaneously with parts from chapter 77. If you have not read chapter 77 for some reason, I strongly recommend it.)

Previously on Pokémon Evolution:

"It turns out that Ryanne and I aren't the only versions of ourself. Our timelines branch off in multiple paths, and one of our 'sisters' has taken a wrong turn in her timeline, I'm asking you to help me right her path. Necrozma is controlling her, and using her to rebuild their body."


Ryanne and Ryan continued to quietly sneak for another couple minutes, both freezing when they heard a rumbling noise. Rubble shifted, halting the 'siblings' in their tracks only for a yelp to erupt from the other side of town.

"That's Fleet!" Ryan poked his head out in concern. "Babe! You okay?!"


"All four Tapus are fighting right now, yet we're affected by none of their abilities. In addition to controlling the four Tapus, Necrozma is absorbing their energy, the very essence they use to protect and influence the islands."

Pokémon Evolution

Chapter 78: Insurgence (Part 2)

"We should split into two pairs to avoid detection," suggested Fleet with a whisper. "I'll go with Kira and the two siblings can go together."

The others silently agreed to the plan, 'Sylvia' and Ryan taking the left side of town to sneak through and Fleet and Kira taking the right. Each couple exchanged a kiss for good luck before they parted, slinking through the rubble as quietly as possible.

With their prior knowledge of the town, 'Sylvia' and Kira led the way for their respective pair, peeking out from behind bushes and around corners to guide the male Trainer behind them through the destroyed houses and businesses.

Kira and Fleet carefully made their way through the ruins, before reaching the gutted Pokémon Center that had served as Team ReSkull's office of operations.

"Hold up for a second," Kira whispered, "I want to check something out."
Fleet nodded, following silently as Kira snuck up to the Pokémon Center's back door. She reached out, delicately turning the handle to the door. "Hmm... locked..." she muttered.

Sliding her hands under the ridge of her hat, Kira pulled two bobby pins out from her hair, allowing some of her azure hair down to drape around her shoulders. Putting her dexterity to work, Kira carefully shifted the pins within the lock for a minute before a light click could be heard.
"Remind me not to let you near my apartment," Fleet teased as they slipped inside, earning a sassy grin from Kira. "What are you looking for exactly?"

"This used to be Ryanne's office right? Maybe she left some of her stuff in here that can help us? Ugh! It smells in here!"
Fleet grunted in agreement to the comment on the odor before he paused, looking in a soggy box on the floor. "How did you know that? This is the first time in Po Town for me and Ryan, he couldn't have told you that."

Kira opened a file cabinet, looking for anything that could be of use. "My Ryanne used to work in here too."
"Your Ryanne? You mean-" Fleet's eyes widened slightly, realization washed over his face. "'Sylvia' isn't Ryan's sister, is she?"

Kira winced, looking at Fleet with a sideways glance. "W-what?!? What makes you ask that?"
"Kira, don't screw with me." Fleet's brow knit together. "I've known Ryan since we were kids and a twin sibling has never come up, only his older sister. Suddenly a twin sister and her girlfriend show up to help us rescue a mind-controlled, gender-swapped version of my boyfriend? You've got to admit, it's a little obvious now."
Her cheeks flushed. "When you put it that way... it does seem a little obvious. Ryan just thought it would be less confusing if we said my Ryanne was his sister. He wasn't trying to deceive you, only make things less confusing than they already are." She offered Fleet a sympathetic smile.

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