Chapter 73: Delibirds and Beedrills

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Previously, on Pokémon Evolution:

"Hey, if you want me to bend to your will, you'll have to literally bend me." Ryanne shrugged.

Sealing their exchange with a long kiss, Kira ran her fingers through Ryanne's auburn hair, looking at her reflection in the taller girl's hazel eyes. "I thought you'd never ask."

Pokémon Evolution

Ch 73: Delibirds and Beedrills

Icy-grey paws padded up the stairs two-by-two. It looked so easy for bigger Pokémon, but Kari wasn't big - not yet at least. The climb was tiring, but eventually the juvenile Eevee reached the top. Three doors came into view, one open and two closed.

The open door lead into the bathroom, a strange room that the humans only used when the door was closed for some reason. One of Kari's first memories was being carried in there by the taller human girl and given a bath. Kari wasn't sure if she liked baths, but her mama said they were important.

The other door lead into the older human's room, but Kari hadn't seen inside of it. The older human kept to himself a lot. He went to sleep early and woke up early too. But his room wasn't the one she wanted to get into.

Lounging in the hallway, Darkrai leaned against the wall alongside the third door. The Pitch-Black Pokémon's wraith-like fingers wrapped over their spindly waist, and two thin black stilts extended out from a tattered looking skirt piece across the hall, forming a low barrier.

Kari looked the Darkrai over with intrigue; They looked asleep, though why they slept in the hallway didn't make sense. Wiggling her flanks and tail as she crouched, Kari wound up for a leap, swiftly springing over the Dark-type's legs and silently landing on all all four paws once she reached the other side.

The door into the teachers' room was closed, though Kari could make out noises from within, happy noises. Kari slowly approached the door, using her front paws to pull herself up along the wood. She could almost reach the door knob, but her hind legs were still tired from the treacherous climb up the stairs, and she couldn't stand on them for long. Losing her balance, the Eevee toppled over, her front paws flailing as her flopped over onto Darkrai in a floof of icy-grey fluff.

The Dark-type woke up with a start, their single visible eye ablaze with fury, only for it's glow to instantly simmer down when it realized the source of the disturbance. "Oh. Hey kid. What are you doing up here?"

Kari rolled over onto her belly, shaking her fur to settle it. Her eyes appeared to sparkle with excitement. "I'm going to play with the teachers!" she mewled, practically ready to attempt climbing up the door again.

"Play?" Darkrai's eye shifted towards the door in curiosity before they silently chuckled to themselves. "Oh. You can't go in there kid, it's off limits right now."

Eyebrows scrunched, Kari's mouth pressed into a pout. "Why not? I wanna play! I wanna play! I wanna play!" she barked.

Darkrai's hands ushered for her to quiet down. "It's not a game for Pokémon, it's a humans-only game." they rasped in reply, "If you really want to know more, go ask your mother."

"Fine." Kari turned abruptly, her nose and tail held aloft as she briskly pawed along the carpet back to the stairs.

"Heh, she's just like her mom." Darkrai mused, settling back in to 'guarding' Ryanne and Kira's love nest.

Galloping down the stairs, Kari slid along the kitchen linoleum, knocking into the entryway from the kitchen into the living room. Kyu's head jerked upwards at the sound, a look of concern painting her face.

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