An Obvious Hiatus & A Preview

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Hey Everyone,

Ryanne/Sylvia here with an update regarding Pokémon Evolution. (BTW, I'm working on my name thing right now, so sorry for the confusion!) If you've made it this far into my story, you might have noticed I haven't uploaded a new chapter since December 11th. "Is this an end of Pokémon Evolution?" you might be asking. Not for long, dear readers! 

There will be more adventures for Ryanne, Kira, Kyu, Patches, Darkrai, and all your favorites (yes, even you Zossie fans, I see your comments). However, I need a short break from that. Since I've knocked out so many chapters in the past few months, I'm a little burnt out with writing about Pokémon. Worry not though, I'm taking the time to come up with new ideas and play Pokémon Let's Go Eevee, which should help inspire even more stuff (have you played this game yet? it's fricken cute as all heck!).

In the meantime, I have my creative energies channeled into a different project. Anyone remember the "Cka'a Heartwood" 1-shot I wrote back in August? No? No one read that? Oh... Well that's okay! That 1-shot has sprouted (pun intended) into a story of its own: "Faye - A 'Bizarre Adventures' Spin-Off". Join the four members of Faye as they travel the world, aiding each other in accomplishing their goals. "Why would I want to read that when I could be reading more Pokémon?" you might ask. A very good point... to answer your question, here's an exclusive sneak peek of Faye's latest chapter:


 Approaching closer, they saw the sign did not read Benbo, as expected, instead reading 'Bargrieke'.

"'Bar-gree-ek'?" Elyssa guessed allowed.

"Maybe 'Bar-gry-ekeh'?" Vayreni suggested.

"It's pronounced 'Bar-grec-key'" Cka'a corrected them. "This town is named Bargrieke, after the Orcish Creator God... and it's for that reason that we are not entering the town."

"What are you talking about Cka'a?" The tall Changeling asked in confusion. "Of course we're going in! I'm getting some bread, we can try to find a book on magic auras in they have a bookseller, and maybe we can see about getting Elyssa some better clothes."

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Elyssa asked, suddenly feeling insecure.

Cka'a pressed their woody hand to their temple. "Vayreni, you and Elyssa may enter Bargrieke, but WE will remain outside the city. As in, our singular self. Our loyalty is to Aleria. Even the idea of entering a town named after another god makes us uncomfortable. Well, that, and we don't trust Orcs."

The broad-shouldered Ranger shrugged, "Suit yourself Cka'a, but you'll be missing out."

"No, seriously. What's wrong with my clothes?" Elyssa asked again, her tone slightly more frantic. 

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