Chapter 12: Family

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"Hang in there Alakazam, use Recover!" The sagely Pokemon closed its eyes and took a meditative stance. His form shimmered in green light and the damage to his body faded away. If then returned to its battle pose with a defiant look.

"You're doing great Lilith, keep it up." Ryanne called across the battle field. The battle froze as Ryanne's Gardevoir and the other trainer simultaneously gave her a confused look. The realization hit her like a Bone Club to the head. "Oh yeah... I forgot to tell you Lilith, I named my Gardevoir after you."

The junior trainer curtsied and tipped her teal cap. "That's sweet Aunt Ryanne, thanks. Don't think that means I'm going to go easy on you though."

Ryanne returned a wink to her niece, "and just because you brought a few of my Pokemon to me doesn't mean I'll give you an easy win either." Ryanne's Gardevoir rolled her eyes at the humans' playful banter, lifting her lanky arms as if she were about to push an object. "Ok, MY Lilith, use Shadow Ball!" Dark energy collected in the Gardevoir's hands , forming a sphere roughly a foot in diameter. She forcefully pushed the ball with her hands, sending it flying towards her opponent.

Crossed both spoons, Alakazam blinked away, reappearing behind Gardevoir. "Nice Teleport," his trainer called, "now hit her with an Energy Ball." Lilith's Alakazam began to generate a brilliant green sphere when Gardevoir suddenly spun around and firmly grasped his mustache. Alakazam's eyes grew wide with shock as devilish grins stretched across the faces of both Ryanne and her Gardevoir.

"Thunderbolt" Ryanne whisped, barely audible to anyone other than the Embrace Pokemon. A fork of electricity appeared from the blue, channeling through the green and white Pokemon's arms into Alakazam's body. The Psi Pokemon shook from the shock before collapsing to the ground. Aunt and niece came together for a hug. "Good job Lilith... both Lilith's. You've grown into quite the trainer, and three badges already? You're on your way!"

Ryanne and Lilith returned to the Pokemon Center to heal up both of the Pokemon, and ordered a round of Roserade Tea for them. The herbal tea radiated warmth, filling the atmosphere with the fragrances of peppermint, honey, and green tea leaves. Lilith deeply inhaled the aroma with each sip. "So 'Kiddo, how's it going with Danika?" her aunt probed.

"We're doing fine, I guess. She liked the gift I gave her just before I came over to Alola."

"That's good to hear. What about training for your fourth Gym Badge?"

"Alakazam and I are pretty solid, but my team needs more practice before I'm ready to challenge Flannery."

Ryanne pondered the Gym Leaders of Hoenn. Her home region was filled with many strong trainers that she had left behind, like Kale and Fleet. He could surely help her prepare once she returned home, but that would have to wait until after her vacation. Lilith and her sisters had come to visit Alola with Ryanne's sister, and it was a rarity for the two of them to have time together like this. "Now that I have him back, I could have Candlerakk challenge one of your Pokemon to help you practice" the elder trainer offered.

"That sounds like a good idea Aunt Ryanne, but right now I'd just like to talk. Maybe later?"

"Sure, no problem at all... what on your mind?"

Lilith's face faded. "I... I think my parents are fighting. My sisters don't know, but I can hear them through the wall sometimes... I don't know what to do..."

Standing from the table, Ryanne hugged her niece around the shoulders. "Hey, hey," she whispered, "it's not your fault. Listen, it will work out. Don't worry about them, I'll talk to your mom. Is there anything else up?"

"My dad still doesn't know I'm dating Danika," Lilith admitted. "I'm worried about what he'll say when he founds out I'm Bi."

"I know what that's like. Before I came out, I was scared what my parents would think. I was worried they'd kick me out on the street. Luckily, my dad has been super understanding, and I value being able to talk with him. As you know, my mom is a different story..."

"Does Grandma know you're Les?" Ryanne laughed aloud, causing a few others in the area to temporarily turn from their business.

"My mom does not. Hell, if she met Mallow, I don't know what she'd think."

Lilith's eyebrow raised in interest. "Ooooooh that's a cute name, what's she like?" she probed in a teasing voice.

Closing her eyes, Ryanne began to reminisce. "Mallow is great with Pokemon, and she works in her parent's restaurant. She's someone I've really grown to trust, and I'm lucky I can confide in her."

"No, no, no! I mean what does she look like?"

Ryanne's cheeks tinted a shade darker. "Mallow has gorgeous hair, like a watered lawn. She usually wears a pink tube top underneath grey overalls, and she has killer legs *ahem* but I'd rather not say more." It was then she noticed Lilith's eyes had veered from the conversation.

"That's alright, I can see her well enough from here, look!" Ryanne turned to match Lilith's gaze. Across the conjoined cafe, Pokemon Center, and Poke Mart stood Mallow, making a purchase at the pharmacy counter. From their angle, the duo couldn't see exactly what she was buying, but she looked excited based on how she bopped along in place, like to an unheard song. Her motions reminded Ryanne of the bouncy swaying normally exhibited by Acerola when she was in a good mood. A sly expression caught Lilith's face "I'm going to call her over."

"wait, no do-"

"Hey Mallow!!!" the younger trainer belted across the room, "over here!!"

Ryanne grabbed her niece, pulling her over to prevent another outburst. Mallow waved and gleefully crossed the common space. "Hey Ryanne, who's your cute little friend?"

"I'm her niece, Lilith. I'm visiting from Hoenn."

"From Hoenn? Then how do you know-"

"Aunt Ryanne says you're her hot girlfriend!"

"Lilith!" Ryanne defended.

"But it's true. She's hot, and she's your girlfriend... She's your hot girlfriend!"

Her aunt grew exasperated "But I didn't say that."

Mallow's response was filled with sass, "What Babe? I'm not hot?"

Ryanne's face burn from both embarrassment and frustration "You know that's not what I meant!"

"I'm just kidding Babe, geez. Anyway, I was swinging by after visiting Lana and needed to get something. Are you going to be free tonight?

"My sister and her family are staying with me here in Paniola Town. It's cramped, so I could use a night without claustrophobia, thanks."

Lilith chimed in, teasing "Oooooh, Aunt Ryanne's having an adult sleepover. So scandalous!"

Anyway, I need to get back to my parent's restaurant in Konikoni City. See you tonight Babe."

"See you tonight!" Ryanne replied, standing up. The Trial Captain and Admin kissed each other goodbye and the verdant-haired trainer took off. Lilith and Ryanne finished their tea before setting out on their own.

Just before reaching Ryanne's door, Lilith spoke up once again "Hey Aunt Ryanne?"

"Yeah 'Kiddo?"

"Thanks for everything... and sorry for teasing you so much." She peeped with a sheepish grin.

A warm smile graced Ryanne's face, "no problem, that's what family does..."

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