Chapter 31 : Waiting

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The chirping of Kricketots filled the warm Alolan night as Ryanne rode on the back of her Silvally towards home. Finally back after the few weeks away in Johto with her friend Kira, Ryanne looked forward to catching up on work with her Skull Admin now that she had returned. 'I hope Jack managed alright without me', she pondered. Ryanne knew taking over for her was a big responsibility, but she wouldn't have promoted Jack if she didn't trust him.

Rounding another corner, Silvally came to the Paniola Town entrance. Now in an urban area, Ryanne stroked the Synthetic Pokémon's neck, signaling them to slow their pace as to not wake anyone up. Sim's mismatched feet, two talons and two paws gently crunched on the earthen street, moistened with night dew. Checking the time on her PokéNav Plus, Ryanne saw a time that made her toes curl, it was nearly dawn. "This is why I don't like boats Sim, they take too long. Ozone could've had us back before nightfall I'm sure." she whispered. The chimeric Pokémon rolled their eyes at the remark, waiting for their Trainer to fish out the keys to her apartment. Climbing the short staircase once inside, Ryanne flopped into her bed without even changing her clothes. After the intense weeks she had had and the exhaustion from traveling, it was good to be home.

Something warm and sweet tickled Ryanne's nose, enticing her awake. Groggily looking at the clock and seeing it was almost noontime, she dragged herself out of bed, washed up, and exchanged the now wrinkled clothes she had worn that night for a clean outfit. It had been a while since she had worn her 'classic' royal blue top and navy jeans. To fit tradition, she tied her hair back into a single ponytail. Her auburn hair messily exploded outward from the elastic tie, some lying straight, some fizzing, others forming ringlets. She had grown used to the chaotic shapes the rust colored fibers took, but still never quite found a style that fit her. 'Maybe Mallow can help me with that?' she pondered, 'and speaking of, it sounds like she invited herself in.'

Walking down the cedar stairs, Ryanne found Mallow reclining on the couch in her small living space. "Hey. Welcome back. A made some malasadas while I was waiting." The verdant-haired Trainer said between brief chews.

Ryanne pulled out a plate and placed a few of the doughnut-like pastries on for herself. "What time did you get here?"

Mallow shrugged, "around 9 I think? I knew you were coming in later, so I figured it would be better to let you sleep a bit longer."

"How did you know I came in later?"

"Your Darkrai told me." Mallow replied, gesturing to the corner. Crouched in the corner of the room with their arms wrapped over them was Ryanne's Darkrai in deep sleep. "I've been letting them stay over at my place while you were gone. At first it was weird to have a literal nightmare creature sleeping on my couch, but we've gotten to know each other pretty well these last two weeks."

Ryanne scratched the back of her head "I guess that explains it, they showed you my dream or something, right? That's nice of you to take in my Darkrai. I was in such a rush I guess I left them behind, sorry."

"Not the only one." Mallow said under her breath.

The Hoenn-native cocked her head slightly to the left, "What was that?" Ryanne asked, having heard every word, but not fully understanding.

Mallow hopped off the couch to put away her dirty plate. "I said Darkrai is not the only one. You left me behind too. Did you ever think that maybe I wanted to go with you to Johto? You left pretty quick after you returned from Ultra Space, and you left me behind on that journey too!"

Ryanne's eyes shifted, attempting to avoid making contact. "Well, I wanted to keep you safe. Plus I knew you'd be more useful here in Alola, helping to protect people." She placed her plate on the counter, feeling a loss of appetite.

"Oh bull!" Mallow spat, as she forcefully dropped the plate in the sink. "Do you know how many Ultra Beasts came out of the hole? Like five, and the Tapus took care of it. Besides, you really expect me to believe that 'keeping you safe' excuse? You brought your own niece along over me, and some people you don't know well, and what's his name - Andrew? Werdna! He didn't even come back! And instead you brought back some alien chick who's probably shacking up with your old rival? Like what the hell? I barely get to see you for a few days, then you're off to Johto to 'hang out' with that cute blue-haired girl you took with you for two weeks."

"I-I... dang... You're right," Ryanne admitted defeatedly, "I haven't been considering you. I mean, I sent you some emails and stuff, but that's hardly a consolation prize. I'm sorry I left you behind... twice. I promise I'll do better in the future."

"Future? Oh-ho, you owe me more than big time." Mallow put a hand on her forehead and exhaled deeply. "I considered dumping you, you know? I was so mad, so upset, so dejected that I considered calling you up and breaking things off. You want to know why you're not crying in the corner, single right now? You're Darkrai is one hell of a salesman. They are so freakishly loyal to you that they backed you up every time I got upset about you just popping off to Johto to your dream girl."

"D-dream girl?" Ryanne took a half-step back. "Do you actually think I would cheat on you?"

"I don't know, maybe!" yelped the Trial Captain, throwing her hands into the air.

"Nonononono. I would never! Kira and I are just friends. She's a surprisingly powerful trainer, and we were acquaintances, so I called in a favor for the Ultra Space thing. She invited me for Johto Contest. We kept it very professional."

Mallow's body relaxed, her expression softening. "I know," she admitted, "it just hurt to be left behind while you spent so much time with another girl. I'm sorry I even considered that you'd leave me for her." Mallow held out a finger, poking Ryanne in the sternum, "I'm still mad at you though. I need some more time before we can be all 'lovey-dovey' again. Got it?" Ryanne nodded furiously. "Good," Mallow said, grabbing Ryanne's plate, "and I'm taking these with me."

At the sound of the verdant-haired Trainer leaving, Ryanne heard a shuffling sound from the corner. Looking over, she saw her Darkrai had awoken and was drifting towards her. "Oh hey buddy," she said feigning a smile. "There's still a malasada left in the pan if you want it."

The Pitch-Black Pokémon's single icy blue eye looked her up and down. "I do not require it Mistress, thank you."

"Are you sure Mallow ma-" the words caught in her throat. It felt like a knot burned in her throat and she couldn't swallow it. Around her shoulders she felt light, wraith-like hands of her Darkrai drape over in reassurance.

"It's okay to cry. Mistress Mallow will be back. Just give her time." whispered the Dark-type.

"I-I know. I just hope it won't be too long." From her pocket, Ryanne pulled out a small hinged box, covered in velvet. "Guess this will have to wait..."

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