Chapter 27:A New Evolution

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Author's Foreword: I openly admit that the "coming out" scene back in Chapter 1 was kind of less than stellar. The truth is that I based Ryanne's coming out on my own, but I had to generalize some things because I also wanted it to be an introduction of more mature themes into the world of Pokemon. I've learned a lot about how to better portray my people in writing, so hopefully this will be better received.

 A cluster of papers cluttered the table as Ryanne worked to fill out the legal forms before her. The crate she sat on was inflexible, and didn't provide adequate back support, but it was better than the broken chairs piled in the corner. Outside, rain drops tapped on the abandoned Pokemon Center's windows in a steady rhythm. 'Why is it always raining in Po Town?' she pondered before returning to work.

In the week since she had returned with her friends from Ultra Space, Ryanne had been acquiring the necessary paperwork to officially convert Team Skull from the somewhat organized band of bored delinquents into a non-profit organization. Should her forms get approved, Team Skull would be able to generate more funding to aid with bigger projects, afford better equipment, and obtain education and training for her Grunts. 'No, not Grunts,' she thought, 'we're not a gang. We are an organization. How about... Volunteers!' A sharp rap came at the door, stirring Ryanne from her focus one again. "Come in!" she called up to her visitor.

A Team Skull Volunteer named Jacqueline poked her head in. Unlike the others under Ryanne's leadership, Jackie was both always well-mannered, and slightly older than Ryanne. Also unlike the other Team Skull members, Jackie stood out, wearing a slouched beanie instead of the more common skullcap, and sported a tattoo of her beloved Huntail on each arm. "You wanted to see me 'Captain?'" she asked.

"Jacqueline! Err... sorry, Jackie! Come in. I was just about to finish this up, and I would like your signature on a few things."

The Team Skull Trainer furrowed her brows "what do you need my signature for exactly?"

"To officially convert Team Skull into a non-profit. We'll finally be able to make some real progress around here, fix up Po Town, actually make ourselves worth something to the public. Maybe we can finally fixed up THIS old rust bucket, get it back to healing Pokemon again instead of a makeshift workroom."

"With all due respect, that sounds great and all, but what do you need me for?"

A proud smile overcame Ryanne's face. "I know I left rather unannounced for Ultra Space, and I know it may have been... hectic, without an Admin. But I received word from numerous sources, including the Kahuna himself, who said you took charge and led the team in my absence. Nanu said he was impressed with your initiative and how well the you handled the group. With Team Skull taking on a more public role, I'll need to step up to handle the organization's management and finances. As such, we'll need someone to fill me current role. I need an Admin, Jackie and you are my first choice."

Jackie's head jerked back slightly in surprise. "Really Ryanne? Are you sure you'd want me? Th-thank you for even considering me. That sounds like a lot of work on my own though. I know you could handle it, but I'm not sure if I can, especially if we're under tighter standards."

Ryanne gave a reassuring grin. "You won't be alone. I'll be selecting another Admin to work with you. Plus it's not like I'll be gone, I'll just have more behind the scenes responsibilities. So what do you say? I can show you the ropes tomorrow if you'd like."

Shaking Ryanne's hand vigorously, Jackie took the promotion. "I guess we can't call you 'Captain' anymore can we Ryanne? What are you calling your new title?"

"I was pondering something like 'Chief', but that reminds me too much of Faba from the Aether Foundation. You all know how I feel about him." Ryanne cringed a bit, feigning disgust. "I was thinking more like 'Representative'?"

Jackie chewed on the suggestion aloud. "Representative Ryanne? That sounds quite official, but not SO official that it sounds pretentious. I like it!" Jackie's facial expression shifted slightly as a thought crossed her mind. "Hey Cap-I mean, Repres... can I just call you Ryanne?"

The newly appointed Representative grinned. "That's fine. Was something on your mind?"

"Yeah... I'm just trying to think of the right way to put it." Jackie inhaled sharply. "Do you think the others would mind if I just went by Jack?"

"Captain Jack? Isn't that the name of a band in Kalos? If you'd prefer Jack that's fine. Though the others may ask why."

"Aren't you going to ask why?" Jack question, actually surprised.

"Jack I've known for a while now. The way you present and carry yourself. Your tone and cadence of voice. Did you forget I was once in your shoes? I've just been waiting for you to be ready."

The corners of Jack's mouth briefly flashed upwards before returning to a more serious expression. "They accepted YOU Ryanne, but what if they don't accept me?"

Ryanne's normally sunny disposition suddenly turned ice cold. "Then they have no place here." Jack's head snapped up to stare her right in the eyes. "When Guzma started Team Skull years ago, he took in everyone. Skilled, unskilled, social, antisocial, straight, gay, bi, ace, male, female, non-binary. You name it. When he handed leadership of Team Skull over to me, he made me promise to treat each one of you like family. If they don't accept you, they are no family of mine." A tear of joy slipped down Jack's cheek. "I'm proud to call you 'Brother'."

Briefly hugging his superior, Jack felt more at home than he had back in his hometown. THIS was what he needed. "Thank you 'Sister'." A memory crossed Jack's mind, prompting him to pull out a damp page from his pocket. The drizzle outside caused the ink to run slightly.

The writing was still legible, but difficult to read without squinting. "I was doing some reading in the Malie city library, and I think I've got an idea. It says here that Tapu Lele can heal people using its scattering scales." Ryanne smirked at Jack's recital, deja vu aiding in structuring her response.

"Right, so the legends say," Ryanne cut him off, "They also say that Tapu Fini's water purifies all it touches. I'm afraid that your idea won't work as intended. Even if you proved yourself worthy, the Tapu's don't have the kind of power you're thinking off. Trust me, I know. Let me tell you this though: you are not broken, you are not wrong. No matter who you are or what you look like, people will still love you. And that is more important than any legend."

Jack looked a little disappointed, but understood. "Thanks, I appreciate that." After signing in the necessary places, he was on his way.

"Good night, see you tomorrow." Ryanne called as she waved him off and returned to her work. Just as she was half way through the last page though-bzzt! The lights shut off. Ryanne groaned in the dark, "Did Leianna forget to pay the electric bill again? Definitely not making her an Admin. I'll just finish this tomorrow. Stumbling through the dark, Ryanne made her way out of the dilapidated building and onto Po Town's main road during one of its few breaks in the rain. "Meh, silver linings," she mused as she called out her Drifblim to carry her home.

Reaching her apartment in Paniola Town, Ryanne fumbled with her keys at the door under the dim glow of the street lights. Once inside, she found a wrapped box held together by with a bright green bow. Ryanne carefully undid the bow, setting it aside and lifting the box lid. Within was a card on top of a folded garment. "Thought you could use this for your big contest coming up. This dress is as out of this world as you are <3 Mallow". Ryanne gently picked up the dress and carried it upstairs to her mirror. It LOOKED her size... but if it fit, would she like it?

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