Chapter 32: Kyu

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 Long before Ryanne ever found herself in Kalos, long before she found love in Alola, long before she ventured into the unknown worlds of Ultra Space, Ryanne went by Ryan. Just a fledgling trainer on a journey of his own. This is one of his stories...

A heavy shower gushed from the sky like a ruptured hydrant, soaking the already waterlogged Ryan further to the core. The only part of the thirteen-year-old even relatively dry was the wrapped bundle Ryan supported on his back. The young Trainer looked around frantically, was Cerulean City to the East, or did he need to head south? 'Three days in Kanto and I'm already lost' he bemoaned. "I think Kaladin went east." Ryanne spoke aloud, reassuring his bundle.

The curtain of falling water, incoming wisps of fog, and populous trees made it difficult to navigate, but eventually he found a cottage with a light on. Shifting the weight he carried, Ryan pounded the door with his left hand. "Pleeeeease!" he cried "I need help!" From the other side of the door, he heard the turning of several locks. A man looking around 30 years old opened the door with great haste.

"Goodness kid, what are you doing out in a storm like this? You'll catch a cold for sure! Get in, get in." The man opened the door further for Ryan to enter, flicking his hand to usher him in. "You best stand over by my fireplace and warm up. Do you like tea by the way? I was just about to have a 'cuppa."

Ryan absentmindedly responded with a 'yeah sure', carefully unwrapping the rain coat that should have been around his shoulders. In his arms he cradled the head of a verdant reptilian Pokémon just under six feet tall. How Ryan managed to carry her, he wasn't sure, but that didn't matter right now. "Sherwood? Can you hear me? You're safe now." The Forest Pokémon was unconscious, but she was breathing.

"Blimey!" The teacup and saucer crashed to the ground as the man dropped it in surprise. He rushed to Ryan's side. "What an unusual Pokémon! I've never seen one like that here in Kanto. What happened to them?"

"This is Sherwood, my Sceptile." Ryan explained, "we were exploring the area because a Trainer in Cerulean City said they saw a Legendary Pokémon just North of Nugget Bridge. When we got there, my... well, let's call him 'my rival', ambushed us. His Nidoking easily overpowered Sherwood, and when I went to recall her, his Nidoking electrocuted my Pokéball right out of my hand. My ball isn't working now, so I can't put her in! It started pouring, and I panicked and got lost."

The man could tell from Ryan's expression of concern that the bespectacled Trainer spoke the truth. "My name's Bill by the way, you're lucky you found my lab. Let me grab some medicine for your... what did you call her again? Sherwood?" Bill noticed Ryan's left hand was reddened from electric attack. "I'll grab some burn cream for your hand too. What did you say your name was young man?"

Ryan didn't respond. 'Was he too focused on his Pokémon?' Bill pondered. The researcher fished out his first aid supplies from his bathroom cupboard. "Young man, did you hear me?"

Realization hit the younger Trainer, snapping him to attention, "Oh, me. Uh, Ryan. I'm Ryan."

"Well, nice to meet you, Ryan. So, it sounds like your 'so-called rival' is a ripe bastard isn't he? This spray and some rest by the fire should do your friend Sherwood right. And while we wait, we can patch up your hand."

After spraying the aerosol health Potion over his Pokémon, Ryan finally noticed the electrical burn "I think I'll be fine, it doesn't hurt that much. I'm more worried about Sherwood."

"Poppycock, that's the adrenaline talking. That's the only way a kid your size could have carried a Pokémon just as tall and heavy as you are. Plus, I can tell from the way you were holding her and used that Potion, your left hand is your dominant hand. You don't want that getting infected. We need to treat it soon so it can heal faster." Bill took Ryan's hand, wiping it first with a damp cloth before rubbing burn cream over the singed skin, causing Ryan to wince slightly. "See," Bill asserted, "the adrenaline is already wearing off." Bill wrapped the left hand in gauze before giving Ryan use of his limb back.

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