Given Up

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"Morning, Mom." I smile and take the bowl of cereal she just made for herself, sitting at the breakfast bar before tucking in.

"Hey, that's mine." She protests but starts making another bowl anyway. I shrug in reply.

"So am I." Mama says as she enters the kitchen too, and I fake a gag, "Good morning, my love."

"Ew, no thanks," I mutter as they go in for a kiss and Mama ends up trapped between Mom and the counter, the half-made cereal forgotten.

"Shut up, Y/n." Mama laughed and Mom turns and sarcastically raises her brows at me.

"Yeah, it's not like we have sex with you in the house." She points out and I stand up, sticking my cereal and holding it in the air as I walk out, shouting 'blah blah blah' to muffle the sounds of her talking. I'm overreacting on purpose, they know I'm just kidding, plus I needed to leave anyway to get my bag ready for today.

"Where's the asshole?" I question when I realise the front window's curtains are open and there isn't a car across the street.

"I don't know, he hasn't come back since yesterday when we thought he was at your school." Mama comments and I just nod and eat another spoonful of cereal.

Hopefully, he's given up again, he'll go away for a while, maybe for a few years like he did last time.

"Okay, love you guys." I grin and give them quick hugs before grabbing my bag and leaving the house, texting Cara to let her know I'm on the way to her house since we usually walk together seeing as she's literally my only friend and she doesn't really talk to many other people either.

I see I have another text too, from an unknown number.

[unknown]: Hey, I really enjoyed the other day... think we could do it again? 😉

It takes me a minute to remember the blonde girl I'd brought home before, so that must be who this is. Do I want to do it again though? I mean, she was great don't get me wrong, but I do have a lot going on right now... okay, that's a lie but I do have Camila to figure out and Oliver to worry about.

Me: I'll think about it 😘

I decide to text her that, hoping it doesn't come across wrong. I don't think it does, though, because she then sends me an instant reply.

[unknown]: okay sexy 😍 you're the boss

Damn, okay.

"Bye Mum! Bye, Dad!" I hear Cara call over her shoulder and look up to see I'm at her house already. I probably would've walked right past to be honest.

"Hey, Deeleevigny." I say when she makes her way down the path leading to her front door, pronouncing her name wrong just because it bugs her.

"Hey Y/l/n." She does the same to me and we laugh before crossing the street and heading to school.

"So..." She drawls and I look over to her and wait for her to continue. By the smirk on her face, I don't think what she's about to say will please me much, "What did you and Camila do after class yesterday? I forgot to ask."

"We just talked. She asked about Oliver since it came up in class." I'm technically telling the truth, right? I don't need to tell her I flirted with our Spanish teacher.

"What else did you do?" I frown and she groans dramatically, "Did you get her number?"

"Not yet," I mutter, remembering that I'd written mine on the homework in hopes she'd see it, but she doesn't seem to hear. Thankfully, a cat walks by on the other side of the street and that distracts her enough to forget she'd even asked as she gushes about how cute it is.


'See me after class.' Reads the message in red ink at the top of my paper. She'd given it to me last, obviously purposefully since she'd made mischievous eye contact with me while putting it to the bottom of the pile, and started with the person behind me, going down each and every row until finally coming back to me.

Her fingers graze along my desk as she passes by to head behind her own. I watch as she slips into her seat and clears her throat. Then she only went and fucking winked at me. The classroom is still filled with chatter so I guess nobody else noticed, which doesn't help me much when I ask myself if I imagined that.

Why is she apparently the queen of anticipation?

Clearing my own throat, I lean across the desk to try and steal her attention back from her computer.

"Am I in trouble?" I question quietly, and she raises a brow but doesn't stop typing.

"Why would you be in trouble?" She plays innocent and I put my paper on her desk as a response, pointing at her message.

She doesn't even need to glance at it to know what I mean.

"I believe that says 'see me after class', Y/l/n. Not 'before' it 'during'."

I sigh and lean back in my seat, leaving my paper there. She sighs too and puts in on my desk, making me grin. Maybe it's childish, but I slowly lean over and put it back on hers. She follows my hand with her gaze before trailing it up my arm and reaching my eyes.

"Clase!" She calls out, sliding her paper to the side of her desk as she looks at the rest of the class, "¡Hoy es un miércoles, así que es un día de solo español! O... principalmente." She says with a smile and a small shrug at the end, and everyone goes quiet. Then her eyes fall on my incredibly confused (and turned on but let's hope she doesn't notice that) expression and sighs yet again.

"Today is Wednesday, so it's a day where we speak just Spanish. Then I said 'mostly', because I'll still explain things in English sometimes." She says to everyone, though mostly me, and I lean back in my seat and prepare myself to zone out and not work today. Yeah, I'm in Spanish III but only barely; I passed last year with a 70 and only because my teacher curved my grade for me, and not by choice. It was a 60.49 so the principal told her to round up, seeing as it was very difficult to get two decimal spaces in our school's grading system. Anyway, the point is I was really close to failing because my teacher couldn't teach, so I'm about to not be able to understand a word she says.

Doesn't mean I can't enjoy how gorgeous she sounds and looks in that white lace-up shirt and skinny white jeans, though. Honestly, that outfit is a sin.

Yes, Ms. Cabello. (Camila x You)Where stories live. Discover now