Big Plans

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Suddenly pulling back and looking at me sternly, I think I've done something wrong until she says seriously, "We haven't been on a date yet."

"Okay." I nod, already planning it, "I'll take you on one."

"No, I will. You can take me on the second." She adds, just as serious. Gulping, I feel my cheeks grow how, causing her to kiss each of them.

"Okay." I answer meekly, looking down at the floor as a tiny smile spreads over my face, "Nobody's ever taken me on a date before." I admit, making her brows shoot halfway up her head as she gasps.

"Well, it's about to be the cheesiest date of your life so prepare yourself!" Her tone finally loses some of its seriousness and I look up to kiss her with gratitude.

Halfway through, the bell rings and she pats my backside a few times, pulling away despite my resistance.

"Go to class." She instructs against my persistent lips.

"Can't I just stay here... with my girlfriend?" I smirk, making her smile before quickly trying to hide it.

"M-mm." She hums a 'no', shaking her head, "As much as I want you to stay, I don't want to see that disgusting teacher again."

"Fair enough." I sigh, pressing one last kiss to her forehead before grabbing my bag and sulking out of the class, glancing back at her as I reach the door and she slides back into her seat, neatening up her clothes. I smile, glancing down before leaving the room.

I've got a girlfriend. And she's taking me on a date.

Short and shitty and later than expected.... love you? 😂 please don't kill me

Yes, Ms. Cabello. (Camila x You)Where stories live. Discover now