55: Invincible

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Emma's P.O.V

With the news, I felt invincible. Although I felt like an idiot with a bandaid on my chin, it made me laugh. 

This sense of invincibility is amazing, I now know I will find dad and Carl. Carl and I will grow old together, I hope. We'll even have a beautiful family one day, at least in my eyes. Anything really could happen, as I've learned. 

I didn't want to wait to see them though. Glenn is focused solely on finding Maggie, while thats amazing and all, I've been waiting so long to see dad and Carl, even being teased with death. I just want to see them, and thats what I'm gonna do. 

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Maggie, Bob, and Sasha as well, and I would, I just know that I seen Dad get out with Beth, so I know he's not with them. I need to find them. I need to. 

We weren't that far into the tunnel, and I began falling behind Glenn and Tara. 

So much so that I stopped walking as a whole, I just let them get a bit further and I ditched. 

I turned back around, exposing myself to the sunlight. I would feel guilty, but I know once I find them, I can convince them to go to Terminus. 

I trail into the woods, alone once more. I'm now just going to go by my gut. Nothing to follow, just which way I think I should go. I know I will find them, I hope they're together. That would make everything much better. 

When I find them, I'm gonna tell them everything that has happened since I got out of the prison, good and bad. 

Glenn's P.O.V

Tara, Emma, and I had just reached the swarm that was causing all of the walker snarling. I used my flashlight to look around and I quickly noticed that it was only Tara and I. Emma was gone, like she never existed. I couldn't think about that right now. I need to find Maggie. 

Its Emma, she's probably the strongest person I know. She has been through so much, and she still has room for joy, even in this screwed up world. She's okay, that I know for sure. 

I moved the flashlight to the ceiling. I saw that the roof caved in, trapping the walkers and creating some hills with walkers trapped in them. 

As long as Tara and I were careful, I know we would be able to get through. We climbed over the two sides of hills, being completely cautious of the trapped walkers, only to realize, there was even more walkers on the other side of the hills. 

I had to make sure none of them were Maggie, I had to know. When I found that out, I was ecstatic. Maggie's still okay. 

Emma's P.O.V

I just kept walking through the woods. Its getting dark now. I don't have any supplies or anything, that is, except my knife. 

I guess I'm just gonna call it a night so I can get an early start tomorrow. 

I decide on a tree, if I climb up there, I can get comfortable. Now, theres a possibility that I could fall out, so I should try to find some rope before it gets too dark. 

Luckily, within five seconds of thinking that, I find a home out in the woods. 

Theres three graves in the front yard. Two fresh. Someone is here... or was here, I guess I just hope they're friendly. Things have been going pretty good for me lately, I can't just let this discourage me. 

I walk through the fence and knock on the door. 

No one answers. 

I knock again. 

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