60: Static

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Emma's P.O.V

As I was running, the conversation going over the walkie talkie was static. It was just now becoming clear.

As I was running, I just listened to it. I needed to get my people out of there as quick as possible.

"Ten minute count. You screw up, you're on your own, Martin." A women spoke.

"You don't have to tell me twice, I wipe my own ass." The man, who I assume is named Martin, answered. He continued, "Alex didn't get it. See, I knew the chick with the sword was bad news. Bitch looked like a weapon with a weapon."

"He was always a sloppy-ass mother." The women replied.

"Yeah, I told Albert I want the kids hat after they bleed him out. He told me, he wanted the girl with the poofy hair before they bleed her out. He started talking about how fine he thought she was. Either way, he got what was comin' to him, he's dead now. After he did that, I was just disgusted with 'em, but hey, everyones got their taste." Martin explained.

I became squeamish when he started talking about me. So much so, that I had to slow down. Suddenly I felt the urge to puke, which I did. I leaned right over and threw up. It was simply bile. It's been a long time since I've eaten anything, and I sure as hell wasn't about to eat anything I got from these people.

I wiped my mouth with my arm, and I began walking.

My stomach became stronger again, and I began running.

Bleed us out? What does he mean, bleed us out? It was clear these people intend to kill us, but what?!

"They're only doing eight before public face." The woman said.

I could see an opening, a way out of the woods. I ran towards it with all I had, there was a house-shed thing.

When I got to the opening, I slowed down. I heard voices.

"We're friends of the chick with the sword, the boy with the hat, and the girl with the poofy hair." I heard a woman say.

If she's my 'friend' I want to see her. If she knows me I want to see her. I just don't know who it could be. Everyone I know is back there. Besides Beth, but it really didn't sound like her.

I began easing out into their view.

"Emma?" Tyreese said.

My jaw dropped, I ran over, but stayed away from the man. I seen Carol and Tyreese. Tyreese, had something special that came with him though. He had Judith.

"You're Martin, aren't you?" I asked him, disgusted.

He nodded while smacking his gum.

"This is for the boy with the hat." I said.

I gave him about a millisecond to look at me confused.

Then I used all of my force, and I punched the absolute shit out of him, resulting in him falling over unconscious.

Carol wasn't surprised, she knew all I had in me. She knew all I was capable of. Tyreese on the other hand, had never seen me do anything of the sort.

"Damn, I would hate to be on your bad side." He joked.

I smiled.

"Alright. Lets get this asshole tied up." I said, walking over to the car.

I managed to get two seat belts from the backseat. I tied his arms up while Carol tied up his feet.

"Alright. I'm taking Little Ass Kicker now." I said reaching out for Judith.

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