10: Capture

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The streetlights flickered ahead of me as I turned into the alley between two buildings, trying to find the quickest way back to my place.

It was roughly two in the morning, the brisk night air nipping at my bare legs and neck as the sole of my shoes clicked against the wet pavement in the dark alley.

Now I regret wearing such a dress.

The coffee shop was surprisingly busy today resulting me working over time and move back and forth doing multiple task since there's only three of us working at night shift.

My feet picked up their pace as I turned another corner, making my way down another alleyway, taking my usual route home.

While making my way down the narrow and long passageway, I could sense a presence from behind me.

Recalling all the events that happened, I quickened my stride and keep hold of my cellular device.

I really need to get my car back.

With my pace quickening, I could hear the footsteps from behind me growing louder and louder, which triggered my heart rate.

The adrenaline pumping through my veins was running high as I was ready to run away from the person stalking me.

It's been a week, and it's back to hunt me again.

I was picking up on my pace but after a short while the tapping of footsteps from behind me disappeared, letting me slow down and catch my shaken breath.

I gulped nervously drawing a deep breath as I calm my unsteady breathing.

Is my mind is just playing tricks on me? no one was texting and calling me anymore, I'm okay.

I keep telling myself, reassuring my hasty mind to calm my paranoid self.

As I finally let the feeling of worry slip from my mind, it was suddenly brought back abruptly when I turn around a corner and a tall figure hooded in a shadow stood before me, stopping me on my tracks.

I withdraw a few step back and eyed the figure warily.

A feeling of bad vibes resurfacing in my gut.

My pulse quickened once again, feeling a gush of cold air wisp past me as I gaze at the figure with wide eyes.

"There you are sweetie." his dark voice chuckles, sending goosebumps forming on my skin.

The sound of his deep voice sent odd chills run down my spine and I instinctively shudder.

I gulped, feeling my body freeze in terror as I can't seem to move my feet from being planted on the ground.

Ahead of me, the tall figure made it's way towards me in slow steps, his tongue tracing over his bottom lip sensually.

Stepping out from the shadows, I could see his figure clearer showing off his tall frame.

The boy had mint hair, striking dark eyes and very pale skin...

I gasp.

I am sure he was the same man in the coffee shop earlier.

I can feel my knees shaking as fear over took my whole body as I gaze over his dark figure.

He was captivating, but nonetheless alarming, everything about this man screams danger and something tells you he's not safe to be around.

He might be a rapist or thief, after all.

I should haven't been careless after a week of being free from those phone calls and text, eyes watching and following me, I should haven't brush it off and work tonight.

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