New Book

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A/N: I'm sorry if this is not an update I just want to let you know about my new work but it's still unpublished.

The Seven land // OT7

Ever since you've turned seventeen you keep having the same dream about the seven faces, Snippets of a figure with black, sometimes pink, orange, silver, gold, and mint hair, an ivory or and snowy skin, standing tall and elegant but everything was blurry. And In the night of your eighteenth birthday you woke up in a different world.

Sneak peek of chapter one

My eyes burst open and I sat up abruptly in my bed, panting heavily as my chest rise and fall in rapid pace.

I wiped the thick layers of sweats on my forehead with the back of my hand, running my fingers through my sweaty hair and let out a shaky breath.

It's just another dream. I said to myself in a dark silent room.

I curled myself into a ball and clutch my knees tightly against my chest, resting my head in-between my knees.

I remember the dark pit all too clearly I'm falling, the desperate hysteria in which I clawed the air only to keep falling on the pitch black tunnel.

I remember the dark depths that swallowed me whole, the soft petal bed underneath me when I land, the vibrant color of the sky and the blurry faces I couldn't make out.

It felt so real to not believe but it was just a fragment of my imagination.

I keep telling myself the past twelve months that it was just a dream, that it was just my subconscious making it all up in my head.

They were the same every time, flashes and cuts of scenes that changed too quickly for me to decipher their meaning properly, but let me wondering and lost all the time.

The black abyss, the vibrant colors of the leaves, the giant flowers, the high grasses that reach my waist, the deep orange and pink sky accented by flashes of lightning that were too bright blinding me, the field of yellow sunflowers and roses,

And the flashes of faces that randomly appear.

Snippets of a boy with black, sometimes pink, orange, silver, gold, and mint hair, a pale skin, standing tall and elegant.


Everything was a blur, but sometimes I could catch a glimpse of the profiles, of a strong jawline and sometimes a hollows on their cheeks - but it always disappear before I could get a clearer look.

Sneak peek of chapter two

I was laying on a bed of roses.

The sky was a beautiful orange and pink tones when I open my eyes.

I could hear the calming rhythm of the river from a close distance.

The sound of the whip of the air as the cold breeze sweep through my hair.

I press my palms against the soft petals feeling it underneath my palms and slowly lift myself up.

I look down. I was wearing a long silk gown that fell on my toes, it was string strap and almost close to the color of an old book page.

The bed of roses was gone when I glance at it, instead I found myself standing on the middle of a field of tall tulips that stand tall, reaching my hips.

I hastily look around me, looking around the scenery I grew familiar with over almost a year of having the same dream.

The fields of vibrant tulips, the giant sunflowers that stand tall, the river that was vibrant pink with streak of purple creating mellow sounds of waves and the thick forest surrounded by large tall trees with beautiful hues of leaves.

The forest, what's in there?

I take a gentle step moving forward, towards the awaiting thick forest having the sudden courage to go to it.

But then I heard a soft voice and I feel a cold sweep of air whip past me.

I stop on my tracks.

I recognize it.

It was the voice I heard several times before.

I whip around and a gasp left my parted lips when my gaze fell to a figure.

Standing a few feet infront of me was a man and his face wasn't a blur like the other nights I dreamed of him.

His face was so clear that I could see every sculpture of his features.

I stand still, just studying his clear appearance.

He have gentle eyes, thin nose, rosy plump lips, and his hair matches the color of the apple of my cheeks.

He was smiling at me.

"What's your name?" He ask as he slowly step forward.

I find myself stuck as I couldn't move away from the intriguing stranger.

There's something about this man that intrigue me.

"Y/N." I voice out meekly, the word rolling out of my tongue smoothly as my eyes never leave his gentle face.

"How about you?" I ask, wanting to know his name as I find myself step forward meeting him in the middle that we're only feet apart.

He smile at me, showing a perfect set of white teeth.

His eyes seems sparkling and I could see my reflection in them.

I watch his luscious lips as it moves, anticipating to hear his name.

"My name is-"

But then, I woke up.

End of sneak peek

I don't know when I will publish the book but I hope you'll enjoy it as much as you enjoy Madly in love!💜🤗

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