chapter one

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Hey guys!

First of all, thank you so much for giving my story a chance, even though it's not that intriguing. That's because I wrote this when I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, I had no experience in writing whatsoever, I just came up with something about Jesse and a baker and decided to give it a shot over here.

I'm editing the living shit out of this book because I honestly cringe when I read the chapters. I'm literally always like 'what the hell were you thinking Aaliyah?'. I had such an amazing idea for this, but because I didn't know how to specifically put everything into words, it ended up being a bit horrible, or a lot actually.

I'm gonna be editing the chapters slowly because I'm writing like 4 more books now. So yeah, hopefully it turns out to be the way I wanted it to be in the first place ♥️♥️♥️

Thank you so much guys 🌹 enjoy!

Sitting silently on her black coloured couch, Isabella kept on trying to hold back her tears of depression as she's been looking for a job since morning but nothing was ready to work out, she was too exhausted for words and was almost on the verge of giving up. But thankfully, she came across a page in the newspaper she was reading, a page that restored all of her high hopes. A huge smile took over her face as she read that a bakery was looking for a baker and a cake decorator.

"I know how to do that" Bella though to herself with a sly smile on her face.

So without wasting more time, She quickly put on her black leather jacket and walked out of her apartment so she could get a cab and head to the bakery.


"excuse me" isabella said with a smile to the receptionist; a middle aged woman who's name tag read "Morgan"

"yes, can I help you?" Morgan replied with a thick British accent

"yes! I read on the newspaper that you're hiring. I'm interested"

"sure!" Morgan smiled "what's your name?"

"Isabella Covington" Bella replied as Morgan pulled out a mini notepad and a pen before she wrote it down.



"please take a seat there, I'll be right back" Morgan said and pointed to the benches behind Bella. She did as she was told to and took a seat on the benches, nervously playing with her fingers as she waited to be called upon.


"Isabella? Please come with me" Morgan called after a few minutes. Bella quickly took her purse and followed Morgan behind as they walked through an empty hall. They kept on walking for about 2 minutes before stopping infront of a white coloured door.

"go inside! you'll meet up with the manager there" Morgan said with a soft smile before she walked back to the reception. Bella took a deep breath to let out the nervousness before she finally opened the door and got inside.

"hello!" Bella said politely to a beautiful blonde woman that looked just around 40-45.

"hi! you must be Isabella" the woman said and shook bella's hand gently before offering her a seat, which she accepted immediately.

"I'm Mary walker, I'm the manager of dream cream bakery" Mary said, Introducing herself.

"it's so nice to meet you" Bella replied with a smile.

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