chapter 55

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That's Aaliyah ^^^

It's been a few months since the birth of Aaliyah, they were finally able to take her home after 2 months, at first, Bella thought Aaliyah was going to be easy to deal with, she doesn't cry so much at first but it turned out to be the complete opposite In a few weeks, Aaliyah never sleeps for more than 6 hours, 30 percent of the time is her crying while the other 70 percent of the time is her either laughing or playing with her toys, but she definitely never sleeps.

And Jesse has been quite down for almost a month, Bella rarely sees him because he comes back really late at night and then leaves early in the morning, even if she sees him, he tries to start an argument, a senseless argument so Bella just let's it go, and it's confusing because the season has ended so Bella is confused about what keeps him so busy, and it's also all too much for Bella, she has a messy schedule and there's Aaliyah, she needs someone to help her out with Aaliyah but Jesse is just so stuck up at the moment.

Bella cleared all the bad thoughts off her head and took Aaliyah with her so she could change her diapers and try to put her to sleep, Bella has had one hell of a week, she had to cancel almost 7 campaign photoshoots, not because she wants to, but because of her baby, since Jesse isn't willing to help her, she has no other choice

Bella put Aaliyah down the bedspread, she got baby wipes and a diaper, Bella took off Aaliyah's dirty diaper, hoping she wouldn't throw a tantrum, she hopefully didn't and Bella changed the diaper successfully, now the real mission is to put her to sleep, because it's almost 9:00 at night.

Bella took a seat on the bed with Aaliyah in her arms as she gently started to rock her back-and-forth, slowly, it seemed to be working because Aaliyah was already half asleep, in the next 5 minutes, she fell asleep, Bella sighed and kissed her forehead before putting her into her crib.

You'd think Bella would get ready to fall asleep but she was not going to do that, she wanted to speak to Jesse so badly and she's willing to wait until dawn, so she got herself some black coffee and took a seat on the couch in the living room.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, Bella stood up to open it, she thought it was Jesse but it was Marcus.

"hey Marcus" bella said with a smile

"hey" he replied and gave Bella a hug, she moved out of the way so Marcus went inside and took a seat on the couch while Bella closed the door behind him.

"what are you doing here so late at night" bella asked.

"i came to check on you and Aaliyah, Cleo told me that Aaliyah had a cold" Marcus replied, did I mention that Cleo and Marcus are dating?

"oh! That's so sweet of you, but the cold has gone now, it's probably because of the weather or something" bella said.

"oh OK, that's good, where's Jesse" Marcus asked

"what do you mean by that, don't you know where he is" bella replied.

"no, the last time I saw him was two days ago" Marcus said and Bella sighed sadly and ran her hands through her hair.

"what's wrong, is everything okay" Marcus asked

"no, Jesse is becoming something else, I rarely see him, he's always drunk, every time I give him a call, he never picks it up, I don't know what's going on" Bella said with a cracked voice.

"oh my god, I'm so so sorry about that Bella, I don't know why he's doing this, he's probably stressed about something" Marcus said

"I understand that but he can tell me whatever he's stressed about, I might be able to help him, staying away from me and our baby isn't going to help solve anything" Bella said.

"you're right, I'll try to see if I can find him, I'll definitely talk some sense into him, just please relax, don't worry too much" Marcus said and Bella nodded.

"OK, I think you should get some sleep, don't worry too much, it'll all be fine" Marcus assured Bella, he gave her a reassuring smile and a little squeeze on the shoulder before he had to leave.

Bella just wants to know what was wrong with Jesse, normally, if something was bothering him, he'd speak to her and she'd help him, but he's never done anything like this, staying away from her for almost 2weeks, that's the worst he's ever done.

Bella's phone made a sound, which meant that she received some text message, she took her phone to check and it was from Cleo.

Cleo: bells, have you seen the news on twitter and Instagram?

Bella: no, why?

Cleo: check your phone, like right now

Bella: OK, but why, what's going on

Cleo: just go on Instagram or twitter, you'll see everything.

Bella: OK?

Bella then went in twitter, she was shocked about what was trending.

Jesse lingard has been spotted with his ex girlfriend, Jena frumes, leaving the Shangri-la hotel earlier in Manchester, this is quite surprising because Jesse lingard is dating one of our favorite models, Isabella Covington and they recently had a baby, could their relationship be on the line?
Anyways, we have talked with Jena here at TMZ and we asked her about her relationship with Jesse, she said:
"Jesse and I have had a great relationship this past month, we've been seeing each since before the world cup and we've been hanging out since then"
That must be the biggest bombshell ever, could this mean that our favorite couple, AKA "jella" is over, or is there something else that we don't know? Stay tuned, we'll be back with more news.

Bella heart shattered into a zillion pieces.

Like, WTF just happened?


Hey guys, sorry for this short chapter, I didn't really have much time but here!

What are your thoughts on this chapter, what do you think happens next?

Thank you so much to everyone that helped me with ideas on this chapter, it really helped alooooot

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment if you liked this💜

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