chapter 33

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Bella was trying so hard to stay away from Jesse because he kept on saying mean things about her not telling him about what happened in the mall, she thought it was a joke but Jesse changed into something else this morning.

"Jes please, I told you I'm sorry for like the millionth time, it's over, I made a mistake and I'm sorry, give me a break" Bella retorted when she reached the bottom line.

"oh really, you think this is over, you being slapped by someone isn't a big deal to you but it is for Me, seriously, this isn't over, tell me how many times this has been happening because you made it kinda hard for me to believe you after yesterday" Jesse said raising his voice a little.

"jes, what do you mean by that, you think if this has been happening several times then I wouldn't tell you about it" Bella replied with a serious face

"ofcourse, you'd be all like "I don't want to bother you" just like you always do" Jesse said mimicking Bella's voice.

"jes, you already have a lot going on, you have to understand that, I told you it's okay and it's over, stop making a big deal out of it" Bella said and took a sip of her water.

"the only thing I'm trying to do is to protect you but since you're being such a bitch then go to hell!" Jesse yelled before he went back upstairs in frustration leaving Bella in shock.

Those words hit Bella really hard, tears filled her eyes, she kept the water she was drinking on the kitchen counter and headed upstairs, she wiped her tears before she got into the room to take her bag so she could go out of the house for a while.

Jesse was on the bed, playing some games on his phone, Bella didn't talk to him and Jesse didn't even look at her, she just took her black Gucci bag and left the house.

At first, she didn't know where she was but then she remembered that her interview with Elizabeth Reyes is in less than 2 hours so she quickly headed to Emily's house, yes, Emily moved out of that apartment and she bought a new fancy bungalow just 30 minutes away from Jesse's house so she decided to walk to Emily's house so she could vent her anger on her feet.

After 40 minute, Bella reached Emily's new house, you can tell she was walking really fast and the paparazzi got pictures of her angry face.

"hey bells" Emily said.

"hey" Bella replied and threw herself on Emily's new leather couch.

"OK, what happened" Emily asked, she knows her bestfriend like the back of her hands, she figured out that something was wrong in less than 2 seconds.

"nothing, I'm fine" Bella replied

"spill it girl" Emily Said and Bella sighed

"OK, Jesse and I had an argument that lead me to leaving the house" Bella said.

"aw, I'm sorry baby what happened" Emily asked.

"it's about that mall incident with Leone, I decided to tell him about it yesterday and he didn't take it really well, and this morning he got worse, he kept on saying mean things to me that I couldn't take anymore" Bella explained while running her hands through her hair.

"uh-oh, see, you should have told him earlier" Emily said.

"OK, he picked up a strain on his tight
And he's already frustrated, I decided to let his cool down a bit then I'll tell him but he took things to a whole new level and even called me a bitch" Bella said with a cracked voice.

"it's okay, you know how guys are, calm down okay, he's just really concerned about you, don't worry, you'll sort this out" Emily said and Bella nodded then wiped her tears.

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